Chapter 20

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The air was hot and heavy, sweat poured down Thomas' face. Thomas and the others had to put hoods up so nobody would recognise them. They found themselves in a town, signs hung everywhere for the Rio Carnival taking place in two days. Everybody was wearing bright clothing and colourful splashes of paint caked their faces. Houses lay each side of them, each a light brown colour. Thomas noticed rather quickly they were going up hill. 

"Guys look!" Minho shouted. Thomas spun his head round to see Harriett walking towards him with tears running down her cheeks. Thomas ran forward and grabbed her shoulders. 

"Are you OK?" He whispered, Harriett nodded, not looking from the ground.

"Where's Sonja? What about-" Harriett panicked but was cut of by Aris.

"We got them both, don't worry but we got to get back now." He yawned. A tall man about thirty with ginger hair walked up to Minho and looked at the rest of us with an excited expression. 

"Oh my god! It's them! It's Minho, Thomas, Newt and the others!" The boy yelled. Great. In a matter of seconds groups of people circled them. Shouts and chants came from them.

"How did you guys survive the scorch?"

"What's the maze like?" 

"Are you going to fight WICKED?" 

"Can I get an autograph?" 

Thomas and the others ignored them and started walking away from the crowds which began following them like a shadow. Thomas broke out into a run keeping an eye on the path in front of him as the buildings turned into a blur. Chants chased them, Minho was actually laughing. Thomas found himself laughing after a while.

A highway appeared in front of them, in a rush of adrenaline they crossed over, dodging cars. Car horns and screams from 'fans' rung through their ears. A red Mercedes speeding down was on the lane Thomas was heading for, Thomas thought it would stop. Jogging to preserve energy Thomas came to the lane at the same time as the Mercedes.Panic arose in him as he saw the driver had an evil grin on his face. The car wasn't stopping...


Sonja wasn't saying anything instead she just looked out the window. Jack held the gun so tightly his knuckles went white. Teresa found herself pacing the room a lot. 

"Hey are you OK?" Jack asked concerned, Teresa ignored him; she had a strange feeling someone was going to get hurt. 


 Minho heard the crowds screaming in distress for Thomas, Minho looked round to see Thomas was about to be hit by a car, almost frozen it all happened so fast. 

Thomas turned to face the car, placing his hands on the hood of the car, as the vehicle was about to hit his shins he lifted his legs up putting all his weight on his hands and pushed forward flying over the car as it passed underneath him. Thomas landed on his arms but seemed to be OK.

Minho ran to him. Thomas looked up with a grin across his face. 

"That was so cool!" He shouted standing up. Minho noticed both of Thomas' hands were covered in scratches and deep cuts but it could have been a lot worse. 

"Dude, you could have died!" Newt shouted once Minho and Thomas had ran to the other side of the road, Thomas shrugged.

"The amount of times I've almost died." He laughed, running towards their house. Brenda and Jorge saw them and ran over, Brenda looked horrified.

"What happened to you?" Brenda shrieked, Thomas looked down at his arms and gasped.

"Whoa!" He shouted. Teresa and Jack walked outside, Minho expected Teresa to run over and act as dramatic as Brenda but she didn't, instead she faced palmed. 

"Do I wanna know what happened?" She groaned. Thomas smiled. 

"Not really." He laughed, walking inside Harriett couldn't even look at Sonja because of what she had done.


Thomas sat patiently as Jorge brought out medical wipes and cleaned his wounds

. A stinging pain caused his arms to physically shake. Jorge stopped after realising the pain it brought to Thomas.

"That should be clean enough." He whispered opening the bag Newt carried with the things they found in the berg and brought out a roll of bandage material. Jorge covered both his arms in the bandage taking quite a while.

"Take it easy OK? You took quite a beating to your arms." Jorge said, Thomas nodded and headed up to his room. 

Thomas heard the footsteps of someone coming up the stairs, Teresa stood in the doorway with an electric razor. Thomas frowned slightly at the sharp object in her hand.

"What are you doing?" Thomas asked as Teresa sat on Thomas' outstretched legs before using her hands to tilt his head back.

"You need to shave mister and with your bashed up arms that might be tricky" she said before bringing his head back up, Thomas was about to take the machine from her when she pressed the button, a whirring noise escaped the machine as she brought it close to his face, Thomas jerked back making Teresa frown.

"Don't you trust me?" She whispered, Thomas nodded before letting her place the machine under his chin. Thomas found himself smiling as the tip of her tongue escaped the left side of her mouth as she concentrated. After around 5 minutes she leaned back.

"Much better!" she laughed, Thomas frowned.

"What was wrong with it before." He shouted sarcastically, Teresa laughed.

"When you kissed me it jagged into my face!" She was now really laughing. Thomas kind of felt bad that he hurt her before but seeing her laughing changed that.

"Does it hurt now?" He whispered before kissing her softly on her lips, he let in linger for a bit before pulling away very slowly.

"Nope." she whispered causing Thomas to smile.


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