Chapter 12

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A/N: Scorch Trials book spoilers!!! Don't read the writing in bold if you don't want spoilers! You have been warned! EXTREMELY LONG CHAPTER I'M SORRY I GET CARRIED AWAY


Thomas couldn't stop thinking about the new information that has exploded in his face, 'how were we famous in the only continent with sane civilisation? And why is some man talking inside Teresa's head? How do we even know we can trust this guy?' All of these questions went through his head mixing up everything already confusing him. He didn't like thinking about the mysterious man in Teresa's head because it brought him to a thought that scared him. 'Was my best friend going insane by hearing voices?' Brushing away the thought he joined back into the conversation.

"Get everything you can from the berg and lets get moving!" New shouted! Thomas liked Newt's command, he didn't really like Jorge much and Thomas loved the idea of Newt being the leader again; Newt can take the pressure unlike Thomas who could barely keep himself stable let alone the rest of his friends back in the scorch. Thomas hated thinking about the scorch, the heat, fear and panic killed him mentally and physically.

Summary of the scorch trials (Based on books and a little of the movie with my turn of events).

Woke up to no food and starved for days then Thomas goes mental because of Aris is with them and Teresa is not. 

Janson gives them food and instructions to survive the scorch.

They go through the flat trans into pitch blackness with a metal ball out to destroy anything with a head.

Winston gets the flare and dies. 

Minho gets struck by lightning and they meet Brenda and eat food in a corridor. Brenda gets very infatuated with Thomas, Rose turns up and Thomas stabs him.

Blondie with a gun shows up and Thomas rejects Brenda's kiss in a way which brings much happiness to Thomesa shippers. 

Group B was going to kill Thomas and the others but is saved by Teresa turning up and using authority to save their lives. 

They fight the bulb monsters and fly back to WICKED. 

Thomas and Minho walked into the berg and looked around for things that could potentially come into use in the future. Thomas rummaged through a cardboard box dumped next to the door of the cockpit while Minho searched four perfectly parallel shelves in the small corridor separating the cockpit from the main area of the berg. Thomas was disappointed at the stuff in the boxes, there was nothing but old clothes, still Thomas kept searching. Using his hands he created a split right down the middle of the clothing pile to see the bottom of the box. Something shiny stood out to him right away. Something that was brushed away by some clothing he grasped in his hands. Quickly looking through the pile he found out what the object was. A key.

"Hey guys come check this out!" Aris shouted. Thomas wrapped the key tightly in his hand and walked over to Aris. He was leaning over a box the size of a large coffee table Thomas wondered how they didn't see this considering it was the size of a coffee table but realised it wasn't a very important question and dismissed it. A sign was plastered on the lid, Thomas read it.

Danger. Open at own risk. 

"I think we should open it" Thomas says earning him shocked expressions from his friends. 

"What? Dude read the label and look it's locked!" Aris says shaking the padlock. Thomas brought out the key from his hand and waved it in the air. 

"Am I the only one who suffers from extreme curiosity?" He says smiling handing the key to Aris. Aris took it reluctantly and pushed it into the bottom of the padlock, twisting it until it clicked open. Aris dug his hands under the lip of the lid and lifted it. Inside was what seemed like guns.

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