Chapter 10

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A/N: I DO NOT OWN THE PHOTO ABOVE ^ This chapter will be long sorry! Warning TRENDA alert! Don't worry though Thomesa fans, all will work out.


Thomas could hear whirring noises which reminded him of the grievers. Sitting up straight he looked around to see that he was on the berg surrounded by the snoring of his friends, looking down he saw Teresa still sleeping on his lap, with a smile developing on his face he held onto her 'bridal style' and used his leg strength to climb up, he froze as she stirred in her sleep, he continued when she settled. Placing her next to Brenda seemed like the best option since Brenda looked so comfortable. Thomas lay her head gently on a rucksack he found in the corner of the room. A loud snort noise came from Minho waking up Aris who was next to him. Thomas bit the inside of his gums to stop himself laughing because Aris looked grumpy. Minho looked tired and his hair was matted down with sweat. Aris groaned. 

"Good morning! What do you guys wanna do?" Thomas says in a perky mood, Aris and Minho both gave Thomas a death stare.

"Think about the three rules you know three things you don't do when someone first wakes up." Aris whines, Thomas didn't know the rules but he was sure he was about to.

"One, everyone's to shut the hell up." Minho moans. Aris nods and continues.

"Two, you gotta get out of our way." Minho nods in agreement at Aris' second rule and it goes back to Minho. 

"Three, don't ask any damn questions!" Minho hisses.

Thomas nods and puts his hands up in surrender without saying another word. "Good morning!" Jorge whispers loudly. A moan comes from Minho. Thomas gets down and starts doing some press-ups, back at WICKED before the scorch was when he last did his press-ups and the tensing in his muscles was agony. Press-ups is a favourite of Thomas' because he doesn't like using weights it seems pointless to him. 

"Hey you with all the energy at 6 am! You're not human!" Minho snaps looking at a digital wall clock heading into the cock pit. 

"Come on guys" Thomas says smiling. Aris came over to join Thomas with press-ups. Thomas watched as Brenda started whimpering in her sleep.

"Guys look is Brenda OK?" Thomas says, stopping his exercising to go see to Brenda. 

"Chances of me caring are not looking good, please call later when we have a real problem." Minho grunts.

"Look Minho, if you can't be positive then at at least be quiet." Thomas snaps back earning a laugh from Aris. Thomas ignored the comments and walked over to Brenda. Thomas gently shook her shoulder, her eyelids slowly batted open before her brown eyes locked on Thomas'. 


Thomas looked into her eyes, all the memories from the nightmare she had just encountered vanished and was replaced by butterflies in her stomach. "Are you OK Brenda?" Thomas asks clearly concerned. The butterflies in her stomach flew more rapidly causing a smile to form on her lips.

"Yes, just a nightmare." Brenda replied in a shaky tone. Looking around she saw not everyone was awake. A weird feeling flew over her when she noticed Teresa, Harriett and Sonja deep in sleep, almost a kind of 'ha ha' feeling. Brenda didn't like the feeling; she was always a nice person so she put it down to being tired. 

"We are preparing to land, please be up and strapped into the seats." Jorge shouts. Newt, Teresa and Harriett wake up from this shout but Frypan and Sonja are still in sleep. Minho kicks Frypan awake causing him to shriek. Thomas helped Brenda up and get strapped in then walks towards the cockpit. 

"Hey Thomas where you going?" Brenda asks. Thomas spins round at the cockpit door. 

"I'm co-captain." Thomas smirks and leaves the room. 

"Some people just think they are everything, I didn't know Tommy was stuck up." Newt says. Teresa joins in the rant. 

"Some people think they are champagne in a tall glass, when in actual fact they're Luke warm pee in a plastic cup." She says shaking her head. Minho starts laughing and high fives her.

"Good one!" He laughs in hysterics. Brenda didn't actually find it all that funny and ignored it. Thomas re-enters the room looking suspicious.

"What did I just hear?" he says pacing the room. Minho and Teresa smirk,

"nothing." Teresa replies holding in laughter. Thomas kneels down in front of her.

"And some of us are buckets of dishwater." He says bursting out laughing, Minho and Teresa join in the laughter. After the jokes stop Thomas walks back through to the cockpit while the berg swerves down, holding onto the sides of the chairs was the only thing stopping whiplash. 

"Whoa!" Came from someone but it was hard to identify any voice from the sounds of the engines. The berg hitting the ground shook up Brenda's body and caused a searing pain in her skull. Brenda took maybe two minutes just coming to herself, nobody else spoke either. Vomit would have come after their first word. Sickness made Brenda's body tingle, she couldn't feel her legs.

Jorge and Thomas staggered through the cockpit door, Jorge holding his stomach and Thomas holding his mouth. Jorge broke the silence. 

"Welcome to Argentina kids."                                                                                                                     

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