Chapter 14

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Thomas jolted forward almost falling of his seat when the bus jolted forward. The bus went at about 100 mph, they were passing the water Teresa was hanging out the window taking in her surroundings. Thomas kept a tight hold of her considering the driver wasn't very good at keeping control of the wheel. 

"Teresa you might wanna come in now, this is not very safe." Newt shouted through the noise of the waves moving in perfect sync with the wind. Thomas could make out Teresa shaking her head by her long black hair swishing from side to side.

"You'll burn come inside now" Thomas shouted. Teresa instantly spun around and obeyed him, sitting down she acted like a huffy child, bringing her knees up to her chest with a grumpy expression. Thomas smirked.

"Did I upset little Teresa?" He mocked. It was clear to see she was holding back a laugh but didn't let it show.

"Yes, little Teresa is in a grumpy mood." Thomas couldn't help stare at her little puppy eyes, she looked so cute. 'Snap out of it Thomas' he said to himself looking away from her. Minho and Newt started laughing about something, Thomas smiled, he was glad they were out of WICKED; he didn't care if WICKED came for them of not, Thomas wasn't going to let them have any of his friends. Even if that meant putting himself in danger. 


Jorge was panicking, the myths about Brazil he had heard about in the scorch were true, there was one thing he was told by his friends that he prayed was wrong because if it is true, they don't stand a chance at beating WICKED. 

"Brenda." Jorge whispered over to the girl looking out the window in awe. Turning around she saw the stress in his eyes, a darkness behind them she had seen too many times. 

"What's wrong." She muttered gripping into his shoulder so tightly she could have crushed his bones.

"WICKED rules South America" Jorge whispered. Brenda's face changed from worried to confused. 

"If we meet up with the right arm, we will be planning right under their noses." He continued. Brenda took a deep breath. 

"We just stick to the plan, we need to get Thomas and the others to speak to the natives because you know as well as I they will listen to every word they have got to say." She whispered. Jorge nodded and looked up at the digital clock hanging above him. They had been driving for roughly 30 minutes. The road turned into a highway, Jorge looked outside to see they were in a city (picture above). Jorge had seen nothing like this before, Jorge didn't know  when the transition happened between what seemed like the middle of the ocean to the city of Brazil.

"You guys seeing this?" he heard Frypan shout behind him. 


Thomas, Minho, Teresa and Newt were all looking out the back window or their knees. The coach had slowed down a lot. 

"It's so beautiful!" Newt shouted! Thomas noticed a statue up on a mountain, it was a man holding his arms out, it looked so majestic; recognition of the monument came to him and he knew they were in Brazil.

"Guys we are in Brazil!" Thomas gushed in excitement. "I'll always wanted to go to Brazil, that's one thing I remember from before the maze." He added. Minho put his arm around him. 

"And you are here with your favourite people in the world!" He shouted grabbing Newt in a head lock. Thomas couldn't stop looking at the view, it was beautiful. 

"Guys look!" Teresa shouted looking out her window. Thomas, Minho and Newt piled over her looking out the window. People were lining the highway cheering at the coach. Thomas was confused, was Jorge telling the truth? Were they famous? What for? Thomas saw a sign on the side of a huge silver building with no windows. 


Underneath it read.


Thomas held his breath, WICKED ruled this place. They were the government. Every officer, every security camera. Will go straight to them, Thomas thought about the man who came to them from the coach; the badge said he was an officer. Thomas looked at him, he sat on a seat facing them right at the front of the bus; looking down at his utility belt Thomas could vaguely make out the outline of a gun hiding in his jacket.

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