Chapter 29

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A/N: just wanted to say that this photo was released preparing for American Assassin, I'm so excited for it to be realised in 2017! Dylan looks so different!!!


Thomas was almost knocked over as a huge gust of wind swept over him, looking up he saw Jorge's berg closing in on the statue. Thomas looked back at Janson. 

"What are you on about?" He said purposely avoiding eye contact with Teresa who wasn't denying Janson's comment. Janson had a grin plastered across his face.

"I said, our little plan worked, didn't it Teresa." He answered emphasising her name. Thomas finally turned mainly to check on how close the berg was but glanced at her guilty face. ' Was it true?' he thought.

"What is going on?" Thomas asked getting extremely frustrated, Minho ran over and stood behind Thomas trying his best to stay up. Thomas ignored him but held on to his lower arm so he didn't fall. 

"It wasn't my idea I swear, I didn't know it was a plan I just thought it was going to keep you safe!" Teresa shouted through the crashing wind above them. Thomas crouched down and held onto the cold stone statue so he didn't fall, everyone copied as Jorge stopped just next to them, Thomas could feel himself tilting to the side; looking down he saw just how high up he is, his head felt light.

"What are you talking about! What have you done!" Minho yelled in the general direction of Teresa. 

"We'll speak about this later, get Aris and lets go!" She replied, Aris was still behind, Thomas stood up and ran for Aris, knocking his confusion to the back of his mind. Aris ran to him. 

"We need to go!" Thomas yelled. Aris eyes grew large. 

"Thomas duck!" Aris screamed, Thomas turned around to see a transvice pointed at his face, curving his back the grey mist scraped his face and went straight over his head. Thomas finally caught sight of the girl behind the trigger, he rubbed his eyes because he just couldn't believe who stood there with the gun still aimed at him, 'Would she have killed me?' Thomas thought.


Jack watched from the helicopter as Thomas was nearly killed, he couldn't make out the figure due to the fog now clouding the sky, he turned to see one of the helicopters opposite him, Jack watched stunned as 20 men cramped up at the opening of the helicopter each equipped with a fire arm aimed at the statue. Each gun was aimed at the figure holding the gun at Thomas. 


"Put your arms in the air!" The girl screamed, Thomas obeyed not taking his eyes off the barrel of the weapon, he still felt as if he was hallucinating. He was witnessing one of his best friends betraying him. 

Minho ran up behind her and reached for the gun, she swung round connecting the gun to his waist pushing him to the side, he slid off the flat rock like a drop of rain rolling down a window, Thomas lunged forward as Minho held on for dear life. She pointed the gun at Minho.

"If any of you move I'll shoot him!" She yelled! Thomas looked up at the gunmen and then to Jorge who hung outside the berg. Thomas then knew that the only way they were getting out of this situation was if someone got badly hurt. The place had went quiet as they all stood watching, nobody could move, Thomas was scared to even move a centimetre. 

"Why are you doing this?" He asked.

A/N: I wonder who the girl is? I'll give you a hint, it is either Teresa, Brenda or Harriett. 

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