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A/N: Sorry! I know I said it was going to be out on Wednesday but I have been really busy studying for tests. 


Thomas felt his legs go weak as the body of one of his best friends tumbled to the side. Running forward he grabbed her; holding her up. Blood instantly soaked his hands, Aris got to Minho; pulling him up. Thomas blocked everything out. Her pulse decreased very quickly. Then it stopped.

"Tom... I" Teresa approached, tears building in her own eyes. Thomas shook his head. 

"You're innocent. She wasn't. It couldn't have been a hard choice." Thomas said sternly. He couldn't let his emotions get to him. Teresa's hand came into view as she shut Brenda's eyes. His face soon distorted with rage. The feeling of revenge infusing him like a hot liquid. Jack's helicopter came closer. Thomas held on as the wind nearly blew him off. Ropes fell like a brick in a pool. He grasped for the rough material; clenching his fists till they were white as snow. Once Minho, Teresa and Aris were ready. The ropes were released. The speed of the drop brought shivers up Thomas' back as his vision deformed into lights, darkness and voices. These voices weren't happy screams of joys that brought life to the city but screams of terror at what innocent civilians had just seen on their biggest iconic monument. His knees buckled as he hit the floor. He looked at his friends and people around him looked in horror, admiration, confusion and fear at the famous 'rebels' in front of them. Newt came running up to Thomas. 

"What are you going to do?" 

"Help us! Save us!" 

"What's happening!" Were some of the things Thomas could pick up from the blur of crowd rampage. The music still playing but the people became the main attention and practically all Thomas could hear. He knew what he had to do. Looking back up he shivered at what might have happened to Minho. 

"We gotta blow them up!" Thomas declared loud enough to be acknowledged but quiet enough not to make it public. 

"Blow who up?" Newt asks.


Thomas ran through the crowd, dodging people, he decided it was best to ignore the questions whizzing past him. He figured the others would be following him so he didn't look back. Once away from the crowd he saw a black Audi recklessly parked on the grass. The front passenger window was smashed and there were scratches engraved on the sides like white flames.

"Everybody in!" Thomas yelled running over to the drivers seat. Once in he dusted the glass shards from the passenger seat just before Newt sat down. Aris and Teresa sat in the back with Minho. Thomas looked down, he saw two pedals. He pushed down with one foot sending the car jolting backwards, taking them off the grass. He pressed on the other pedal and turned the steering wheel. The car turned to the left. 

"Direct me!" Thomas said to Newt who leaned down till his chin hit the dashboard to see where the WICKED helicopter was flying.

"Down the highway!" He shouted. Thomas pressed down even more on the accelerator pushing the motor into  80 mph. The wind passed through the broken window like a back draft, sucking out the air from Thomas' lungs. 

Thomas caught sight of a fire at the side of the road. Fires were starting everywhere. 

"Looks like WICKED's fighting back!" Newt shouted against the wind, music and screaming, this time the screams weren't from the joy of the festival.

Thomas looked out the windscreen mirror to see two cars behind him. The Right Arm. 

"You have the transvice?" Thomas shouts, quickly glancing behind him. 

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