Chapter 4

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Thomas' nails started digging into his palms in frustration. Looking down at his feet he saw bread crumbs falling to the floor making him remember about the sandwich he picked up and that it was still clenched in his hands. He threw it across the corridor in frustration, not knowing what to do he turned round to see Newt; his face reflecting Thomas' feelings. 

"What do we do now?" Newt sighed in anger, Thomas couldn't speak he just nodded trying his best to calm his heartbeat with steady breaths. Minho came running round the corner looking confused. 

"What... Where is she? I thought you found her, why has the screaming stopped?" He said walking over to stand next to Newt. Thomas still couldn't speak. He had nothing to say.

"Where are the others?" Newt asked clearly taking one small step at a time. Thomas didn't even want to think about taking any steps other than finding Teresa and making sure she was OK. Were they doing the same thing to Brenda, Harriett and Sonja? Frypan and Aris come running round the corner clutching the knees and taking deep breaths of exhaustion trying to say something.

"Jorge... Ran... Brenda... Worried!" Aris says through breaths, Thomas couldn't pick up the rest of what he was saying. 

"What?" Newt asks. Aris rolled his eyes. 

"Give... A minute... Catch my... Breath" he sighs in deep breaths. Thomas wondered what made them so tired. Minho decided to take it upon himself to answer the questions.

"The guards stunned them with some magic gun making them lose all energy and Jorge ran away to look for Brenda saying he had other priorities!" He shouts a bit at the end making inverted commas using his fingers at 'other priorities'. Thomas couldn't believe he just ditched them like that, Thomas was intending to find all of them including Brenda. Why couldn't they work together? Thomas decided they had to keep moving. The scream was pretty close when it cut off. Walking down the corridor he took a guess at the junction of corridors and went left down a hall of doors. The others followed. Nobody said a word. He heard the clattering of metal and the sounds of guns. He stopped in his tracks.


Teresa still had her eyes closed listening closely to what the man was saying. She could only make out little parts but it seemed enough to pull the pieces together although she still didn't understand what he was meant to be saying or who exactly he was. She made herself a mental note of the key words she picked up:

You are immune.

Right arm.

Not all scorched.


Look closely.



She knew she was awake, she heard the clattering of metal, heavy footsteps pacing the room, guns being loading in the direction of the door. It dawned of her they weren't letting anyone in her room. ' Why were they suddenly interested in 'upping' my security?' she thought to herself. She tried to open her eyes but it was as if someone had glued her eyes shut. She continued to think about the sounds of guns. Maybe Thomas had come for her, hearing the scream she let out before. Teresa tried opening her eyes again, this time a little slit of light made it's way through; she couldn't see anything but white light. It was physically painful trying to open them further but she had no other choice. It was a horrible sensation when you are completely oblivious to anything going on around you. She could hear heavy breaths from a distance. Her eyes were half open when a flash of silver shot across her eyes and then came back to the centre of her vision. It was a blur but easy to make out by it's long, pointed outline. A knife was right in front of her eyes...

It was slowly moved before the tip was brushing against the bridge of her nose sending a tingle down her body. Janson came into her sight with an unreadable expression on his face. He was too calm for Teresa's comfort. His hand was as steady as a rock. 

"If you make one sound this knife will cut through you as if you were butter." 

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