Chapter 6

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A/N Beware, slight TRENDA in this chapter but I promise it will be Thomesa more in other chapters to come. Another really long chapter, I will make them shorter I promise.

Minho quickly ran over holding a needle, his hands shaking. Thomas trusted Minho but wasn't sure what he was doing. Placing the point into Teresa's forearm Thomas got a look at the label stuck onto the thin bottle of pale blue liquid. It read: 'Paralysing Antidote

"Can you move?" Thomas shouted quickly over the noise. Teresa looked up at him like he was an idiot which strangely Thomas found cute. 

"It will probably take a minute" Teresa replied panicking. Thomas knew they didn't have a minute but he was alright with carrying her, she hardly weighed anything and Thomas was quite muscly. 

Thomas noticed Newt and Frypan holding the door shut as heavy footsteps ran down the long corridor. The only way out was the window leading to more corridors. Thomas gently placed Teresa onto the bed, she was sitting up now moving her legs up and down. Both Thomas and Aris picked up a chair and with a lot of force driven into the hit the window smashed hitting Thomas in the arm with glass. It stung as he pulled out the clear shard from a small gash in his arm. 

"Come on!" Minho yelled placing one foot onto the bottom pane of the window taking up the top half of the wall and jumping through. Frypan and Aris each had a gun from the guards they took out and threw a spare to Minho. Janson and the guards were waking up. Teresa was up now jumping onto the pane two legs at once and continuing through the window. Thomas and Aris jumped through at the same time putting an arm on the broken glass ripping their palms and swung their legs over with Newt and Frypan at their heels. The door came bursting open as gunmen started the chase while others aided Janson who was raging. 

"Run!" Newt yelled. Thomas and the others started running down the hallway. Doctors were running all directions unsure of what to do or what was happening. Minho chucked tables and chairs behind them to slow the guards catching up on them. Thomas was happy to see Teresa's limbs were co operating with her. Shots were being blasted behind them. Thomas noticed as one past his head they were shooting arrows filled with some sort of fluid. 

'Brenda, Sonja, Harriett and Jorge!' Thomas thought about them and where they were. He wasn't going to leave anybody behind. Suddenly he had to think of what they were going to do. Could these people be trusted? Of course not Janson had a knife at his best friend and was currently shooting at them. 

"Brenda!" Thomas yelled. A junction came into sight of four corridors. Thomas had a good idea of the corridor he was going to take. Minho and Newt went into the first one they came across as Aris and Frypan went into the fourth. Before Thomas could think he was heading for the second one. Teresa was going into the third but a tug on her arm she was dragged into the second. Thomas didn't like being split up but it might be best to break up the guards. 


Minho and Newt were keeping a steady pace. Only one guard was following them. The took a sharp left and Newt continued running. 'I could take this guy out' Minho thought. He waited ignoring Newt's yells. As soon as the man turned the corner Minho ran forward and slammed the man against the wall kneeing him in the stomach. The man fell to the floor. 'These guys are pretty easy to take out' Minho thought to himself. He took his identification badge and continued running. He was going to try find Brenda because Thomas cared about her too much to leave her behind and Minho planned to be nice to his bestie.


Thomas noticed two gunmen chasing them both down but they were still quite a while back from his and Teresa's experience with running. Thomas wanted to go back and fight them but it was no use. He had to find Brenda. 

Thomas turned to the right to a big room with sofa's and a table. It brought snippets of memories from his past where he was sitting in a waiting room ready to see the dentist, hiding in the bathroom so he didn't have to see the scary man who shoved his fist down Thomas' throat. He liked collecting the marvel avengers stickers that his dentist gave out and made them into a collage in his room using the space on his wall.

He burst open the door to a huge hall like place almost like a gym court, girls were running about screaming about the blaring alarm and guards running about. There were loads of females in the room. It was very easy to get lost. He clenched hold of Teresa's hands and ran through the girls, waiting for the red flash to disappear in the sirens for a second so the normal white light could help him make out the faces.

"Tom!" He heard someone Teresa yell behind him, spinning around Teresa was pointing to the left of her and already running forward. Harriett. Sonja and Brenda couldn't be far away. They ran up to Harriett and spun her round to look at them, she sighed in relaxation at the sight of seeing people she knew. Also everyone seemed to feel safe around Thomas. Even Minho. 

"Harriett, we gotta go, come on!" Thomas yelled and the girl nodded. 

"Sonja and Brenda are this way!" She yelled motioning them to follow which they did. Thomas noticed a blonde haired girl crouching down over someone. 'Please tell me it's not Brenda!' Thomas thought. Running forward he let go of Teresa's hand and knelt down next to indeed Brenda lying on the floor. A huge gash decorated her right leg.

"Thomas, you'll need to carry me!" Brenda yelled. Thomas immediately obeyed her orders lifting her up. She was quite an amount heavier than Teresa so it hurt his back trying to stand up but after that he was fine. 


After Thomas had let go of her to see to Brenda she began to feel claustrophobic. The Russian man made another visit saying the same thing before but screaming it over the sirens.

You are immune.

Right arm.

Not all scorched.


Look closely.



It was all getting too much, everyone running around, sirens blaring, pain and sickness from the injections and a crazy Russian guy screaming things in her head. She started panicking unable to breath; 'like someone was pushing me underwater' she thought. She needed to get out of this room. She knew Thomas will be angry when he finds out she left but she didn't care. Running through the crowd she shouted for the man to stop shouting, for the pain to stop and to stop feeling as if she was going to be sick. The man screaming in her head was making her feel dizzy. She was inches away from the door when a panicking girl pushed into her chucking her back. Hitting the ground was all she could remember.

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