Chapter 18

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Looking out the window Thomas saw that the sky had turned a dark purple.

"Rooms are upstairs." Jack shouts to everyone. Minho, Frypan and Sonja ran upstairs like little children.

"Do you own this place?" Newt asked Jack, Jack just laughed.

"I have little to no money, we hired this place for two weeks." He replied, Thomas, Aris, Newt, Teresa, Harriett, Brenda, Jorge and Jack walked up the stairs, the hollow wooden steps making it sound like an Indian Tribal dance. Seven rooms lay out in front of them. Thomas could hear that Minho and Newt were sharing a room by their loud voices. 

Thomas walked into the closest door to the staircase, it only had one double bed, the room was nice. A window was on the opposing wall to the door, a closet sat next to the bed. Opening the closet door lay lots of clothes. This was one of the boys rooms. Jack stood in the doorway, turning around Thomas jumped at how quiet he was. 

"What do you want?" Thomas asked, Jack smiled. 

"I knew you would choose this room." He said, Thomas felt strange; 'why is this guy acting like we've known each other for years?' Thomas thought but instead was curious on his theory. 

"How?" Thomas asked. 

"You want to protect your friends, so you pick the room closest to the stairs so if anyone comes, you'll be the first out." Jack walked out, Thomas just stood there, he didn't even know that was his intentions. 

Thomas changed out of his clothes and just stuck on a pale blue shirt and grey trousers. He didn't care about showering or brushing his teeth. Fatigue was crashing in on him. As soon as his head touched the pillow sleep took him.


Every inch of his body cried for him to stop running, turning around he saw Minho leaning against one of the stone walls, drowning himself in the long ivy. He was back in the maze. Clicking sounds arose from around the corners. There was nowhere to run, Thomas turned to Minho who was now standing just behind him. 

"Hey, Tom. Wake up" 

Thomas' eyes fluttered open, looking out the window it was pitch black. It must be the middle of the night but he was relieved at the sweet release of his nightmare, Teresa was knelt down at the side of his bed frowning. She was wearing a light brown teddy bear onesie that had a bear ear hood and covered her hands and feet to look like paws. She looked so adorable that it took Thomas every inch of his will not to squeeze her cheeks together and kiss her nose. 

"I had a bad dream" she whimpered placing her two paws (hands) onto his mattress. Thomas  sat up and opened his arms for a hug, she wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his upper back; burying her face into his chest. She reminded him of a koala bear. Looking down all he could see were two perfectly rounded bear ears and he honestly believed his heart just grew 10X bigger. As a joke he stood up to see Teresa didn't budge, she was still cuddled around him. 

"Can I stay with you?" She asked looking up at Thomas, Thomas' heart skipped a beat. 

"Yeah, sure of course" he said a bit too enthusiastically. Lying down he cuddled into his little bear, placing a small yet passionate kiss on her lips, rubbing her back until she went to sleep. 

A/N: I know it was cheesy but I liked it so yeah! I hope I did all you Thomesa shippers proud ! <3

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