Chapter 11

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Thomas helped Jorge by unbuckling the others from their seats. Once everyone was up off their seats they stood there for a minute trying not to be sick. Jorge passed Thomas a backpack full of supplies and Thomas swung it onto his back, it was mud green and reasonable big; it wasn't that heavy but enough to slow down someone running. Minho trudged up to Thomas with a concerned look on his face. 

"Dude, Frypan's heads bleeding from impact" Thomas instantly turned around to see Newt's shirt was off him and onto Frypan's temple. Groans came from Frypan as blood stained the pale blue shirt a scarlet red, Thomas skidded over onto his knees looking up at Frypan who wasn't out of his seat yet. 

"Dude are you OK?" Thomas asked concern filling his voice, he heard clicks from the berg door opening behind him. Frypan nodded. Thomas found it weird that everyone was worrying about Frypan's cut when in the scorch Minho got struck by lightning. 

"I'm OK really just the impact took the wind out of me." Frypan mumbled standing up, 'that explains it' Thomas thought.  Jorge looked excited, very excited about something.

"It's true! It isn't all scorch! The safe haven exists!" He shouts in a cheerful tone, Thomas was confused what he meant, safe haven? Thomas thought the place they went after the scorch was the safe haven (the stick). Thomas got a rush of excitement at seeing South America. Brazil was a country he remembered learning about at school and wanting to go but he has no idea what he learned after the swipe. 


Teresa knew the world wasn't all scorched thanks to her foreign friend, thinking back to the list of things he had said, eliminating the basic things she already knew seemed like a good idea. What she was left with didn't make much sense. 

Right Arm 


Look closely



'What is the right arm?' Teresa questioned to herself. 'BD4, a code? co-ordinates?' She escaped into her thoughts trying to figure out the puzzle.

"Right arm, what could that be?" She mumbled under her breath, Jorge rushed over and grabbed her shoulders. 

"What did you just say?" He shouts in confusion and curiosity. Teresa didn't like being shouted at so she kept her mouth closed. Jorge started to look frustrated. 

"What did you say about the right arm?!" He shouted louder. Thomas stormed over and knocked Jorge away from her.

"Get off of her you slinthead!" Thomas shouts at Jorge standing in between Teresa and Jorge. Jorge straightened up his jacket with an emotionless expression on his face.

"How do you know about the right arm?" He snaps ending the quietness, Teresa didn't want to say about the man, people will think she is going insane and she wanted to be known as strong not weak; 'they'll look down on me' she thought. 

"I heard it from somewhere." She shot back standing straight up. Thomas turned round and looked at her in confusion. 

"Wait, what? Why didn't you tell us about this?" He said, Teresa knew that if she told Thomas now about the man in her head he would be disappointed in her for not saying anything, blood gathered in her cheeks; Jorge was not convinced. 

"You're lying, you don't know who these people are; tell me everything you know!" Jorge shouts stepping forward in sync with Thomas' hand pushing him back. 

"Jorge go outside, we can sort this out." Minho says calmly. Jorge followed by Brenda, Harriett, Sonja, Aris, Frypan and Newt walked outside. It looked bright outside, The sun seemed to be shining down right at the door frame. The heat started circulating the room in waves blowing into her face causing her forehead to sweat, sweeping her hand across her already damp forehead she waited for either Minho or Thomas to start with the questions. 

"OK what is going on? You can't keep secrets!" Minho said in frustration. Thomas placed his hand on her shoulder and looked her in the eye. 

"I know you too well, there is things you aren't telling us." A calming tone came from Thomas calming Teresa. She knew she had to tell them. Trying to think out the way to tell without seeming insane was a difficult task.

"I can hear a man. In my head, he tells me things. About the scorch, right arm, numbers and letters, your name was mentioned too Thomas." Loss of breath stopped Teresa from rambling. Thomas looked understanding but Minho just looked confused. Teresa waited for snide remarks but nothing came. 

"Come on we need fresh air, you need to tell Jorge everything you know." Minho said calmly walking outside. Thomas just looking into her eyes. 

"I'm sorry Tom... I really wanted to tell you-" She was cut off by Thomas, leaning in and kissing her cheek. "Whatever it is, tell me if it happens again, I want to be here for you" he says. Teresa just smiles and they walk outside to see Jorge. 

"OK. A man in my head told me i'm immune, the right arm, that not all the world is scorched, BD4, looking at something, the colour brown and Thomas' name that's all I know I swear." Teresa said in a rush with her hands up in the air in surrender. Jorge smiles. 

"That's amazing, we'll meet up with the right arm, an army capable to take on WICKED. They strive to recruit the strongest of the non infected to destroy WICKED." He preaches with his head held high. 


"How do you know these people will want us?" Thomas challenges crossing his arms, Jorge grins. "Because you guys are famous here." He says. 

Thomas ignores the comment and looks around him. They seem to be on some sort of stone beach, a huge gate stands in front of them. Gunmen stand at the gates, it is impossible to see whats on the other side of the gate from some sort of light grey bubble enclosing it. 

"What's going on over there?" Aris asks pointing to the gate and dome. 

"South America is the real safe haven, this dome is keeping South America safe from the rest of the world. The only place free from the flare and cranks. Normal climate, Right now we are at the very south of Argentina. We are going in and heading to where ever the Right arm are." He says. Thomas got slightly irritated. 'He thinks it is okay to man handle Teresa because of keeping information to herself and he knows this much?' Thomas calmed himself down. 

"How do we know where the right arm are?"  Frypan asks. 

"BD4 are the types of co- ordinates we use in this generation." Brenda says smiling.  

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