Chapter 17

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A/N: I don't own this photo, all rights go to whoever took it. I just like it so much I thought it deserved to be up there ^


Jack and Thomas were the last ones in the room, Jack didn't hesitate to rush out the door after everyone, trying not to notice Thomas' stares; Jack didn't like Thomas and Thomas didn't like Jack but Jack liked the others so that was OK. 

He tried thinking of something else while trudging down the stairs, 'where did all my memories go?' was one thought which drowned out reality very easily. 'Memories can't just disappear they must have been moved somewhere' his thoughts quickly turned to panic, he knew if WICKED got a hold of the information he knew. They won't make it out another day alive.

Jack walked into the living room, everyone was just sitting around, most were boys; he recognised a lot of the boys. There were only four girls, Jack only knew Teresa out of the girls. Jack didn't feel comfortable around the boys, they were frowning, their eyebrows brushing against their eyelashes. Their frowns didn't show sadness more like a 'don't mess with me or any of my friends' type of look.

Jack finds himself sitting on the sofa next to Teresa, the other boys didn't take much notice but as soon as Thomas walked into the room, he gave Jack a "if you breathe near her I will kill you" expression, his mouth gradually turned to sandpaper as he squirmed a little, Thomas' eyes made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. 


He trusted Teresa, he also knew this wasn't the right time for relationships but Jack made Thomas intimidated. Thomas walked over and sat next to Teresa, Brenda walking over and sitting next to him (ultimate love triangle confusion happening here) 

"You should go meet the guys" Thomas said smiling at Jack, standing up, Jack walked over to the group of boys. Thomas was loosening up a bit, he had never felt jealousy before now. 

"Thomas can I talk to you for a minute?" Brenda whispered. Thomas obeyed and and followed her to Jorge and Minho, Minho looked disappointed.

"I've been speaking with some guys, we need you guys to make public yet secret speeches to the people here, we need them to join the fight; someone may even know how we can find the right arm." Jorge whispered without even stopping for a breath, Thomas knew that was what Minho was grumpy about, he didn't like talking to people; he really wasn't a people person. 

"I'll do it but we need to go somewhere no authority will find us." Thomas answered. Thomas wasn't aware that Jack had joined their conversation, now that they were in business, Thomas took the dislike and pushed it to the back of his mind, bringing forth the realisation that Jack was an Allie. 

"I've got an idea." Jack chirped, Thomas and Minho both raised their eyebrows in sync. 

"Go on then" Thomas replied, not looking at him. 

"The police let criminals do what they like, no camera's or nothing in the shared cells; you guys get arrested and get criminals to join the fight." He said, Thomas thought about it, it wasn't a bad idea but there was still some questions.

"When we get arrested, police officers will have to arrest us, won't they recognise us?" Minho asked, that was one of Thomas' questions. 

"No, you guys are not fugitives, they're not looking for you." He replied.

"How do we know these people will join the fight?" Thomas grunted. 

"Most criminals were banged up for trying to start a revolution." He sighed.

"Oh, um... how are we supposed to get out of prison?" Thomas groaned, his temples were beating in sync with his heartbeat, shooting a wave of pain in his forehead with every beat.

"We can make an escape plan." Brenda chirped in. Jack nodded in agreement. 

"We are going to escape prison which will then make us fugitives." Minho asked, Jack nodded. Minho looked over to Thomas to make the final decision. Thomas just shrugged. 

"We're going to prison."He said calmly, Minho looked at him like he was the most stupid person alive. 

"We become fugitives Thomas. We will be the most wanted people in South America." he snapped at Thomas. Thomas sighed.

"We've already ran from WICKED, we're the most wanted people in the world at the moment." Thomas smirked.  


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