Chapter 16

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She knew that voice, the same voice that haunted her but the same voice that has saved her. It was obvious that Thomas wasn't thinking the same way she was, his heavy breaths were clearly audible and his muscles tensed. The last time she saw him like this was when he was around Gally. Jack had a toned body but nothing like Thomas'; it was obvious that Jack hasn't had to run for his life or fight for his life, it was clear he used his 'muscles' as a fashion accessory.

For some reason Teresa liked this boy even after everything he had done to her. Something about him showed that he was genuinely trying to help her. 

"Is someone going to talk?" Jack mockingly shouted, him shouting to her brought her back to her senses. Shouting was always something she could tolerate but Jack brought a slight screeching noise with it which startled her delicate ear drums. He looked straight into her eyes, his eyes were brown, a dull brown. Then he spoke.

'I asked you if you were going to talk.'  He spoke in her head. Thomas must have realised by the quick change of her facial expression or the wince of pain that his voice brought her because running up to Jack Thomas grabbed his collar, yanking it close to his face. 

"You have some explaining to do!" He shouted into his face. A scared look overtook Jacks' smirk from before as he went pale. He was frightened of Thomas. Teresa snapped out of what seemed like an infinite daze.

"Tom...Behave." She spoke quietly, shouting at Thomas was one thing she hoped she would never have to do; she has a huge amount of respect for Thomas and wouldn't want to ruin it by Thomas getting mad at some random guy. Thomas turned to her with a frown spread across his face, hurt and jealousy was easily spotted in his eyes. 

"I'm not going to let this guy get into your head." He replied. Jack slightly smiled. 

'Try me'  he whispered into Teresa's skull almost like a small blow of the wind whistling in her ears. Teresa ignored the snide remark he made and tried her best to show an angry expression on her face which only lead Jack to look longingly into her eyes making Teresa uncomfortable to say the least. 


Thomas backed away, he looked at Jack who was staring with a yearning look in his eyes. Thomas felt hurt and angry; he felt intimidated by Jack but at the same time felt hatred towards him. 

"Stop it." He choked, Jack looked confused.

"Stop what?" Jack replied, 

"stop looking at her like that, it's disgusting and I don't like it." He replied instantly. The conversation was ended by the others filling the hallway. If they hadn't showed up Thomas knew he would have punched the guys lights out. 

"How did you get into my head?" Teresa spoke calmly but sternly. Thomas looked around to see Minho with an understanding look on his face, everyone else just looked confused. 

"What's she talking about?" Newt shouted from down the hall. Minho nodded and walked over to Newt to explain. Jack stood up.

"Teresa-" he was cut off by her growing frustration and impatience. 

"Answer my question." She stated with no emotion. Jack took a deep breath.

"I work with the right arm, they told me to test your mental stability while giving you clues. To do so I had to take your connection from Thomas away." He mumbled. Thomas felt more angry and confused. 

"Well good job bringing us here now go away!" Thomas shouted, Thomas felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"Tom... calm down." Teresa whispered. Thomas bit his lip forcing himself to be quiet. Aris broke the awkwardness.

"So are you going to take us to the right arm?" He asked Jack. Jack frowned. 

"That was the initial plan but WICKED found out that I was working with the rebellion so they erased all memory of where they were, what I told Teresa was all I could remember." He looked somewhat embarrassed. 

Thomas thought about everything he had just found out, one question shot off his tongue before thinking it through. 

"How does the right arm know who we are?" He snapped realising he already knew the answer.

"Because you guys are famous. I thought my police escort from the coach told you." He replied with a smile, Thomas hated his smile; hating everything about him was easy but a very unfamiliar feeling to Thomas. Backing away Thomas leaned backwards slightly to Aris until his mouth was at his ears. 

"Why do I hate this guy so much?" he whispered. He heard a laugh escape Aris' lips. 

"It's called being jealous." He whispered back and walked down the hallway followed by the others. 

 A/N: I know what you're thinking but don't panic! I was reading other fanfictions based on Thomesa and it's all about Thomas picking between Brenda and Teresa so I thought I would balance it out a bit and give a romantic twist of Thomas' jealousy. All i'm going to say is bare with me and remember the main ship in this is Thomesa so don't panic. Xx    

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