Chapter 4

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I attempted to glare at the annoying boy who's lap I was currently sat on. He pulled me a slight bit closer, my chest making contact with his own. His hazel eyes met mine, but my vision was blurring slightly, due to the lack of glasses. His lips pulled up into his adorable smirk that I had fallen in love with, and he squeezed my slightly chubby hips. I flushed once again, and he laughed lowly, flicking some caramel locks out of my face. I bit my lower lip hesitantly, feeling my face for the glasses that weren't there, brushing my warm cheeks. Yoongi lifted his hands to hold mine, pulling them away from my face and interwining our fingers. I felt uncomfortable, unsure about whether to let my guard down. The look that was on his face, and the unreadable expression that shone in his eyes made me feel conscious about my decision.

He tugged on my fingers, attempting to pull me even closer. This guy, who I've solely considered my bully, now had me on his lap and was pulling me closer and settling me down on uncomfortable places. His lips ghosted above the shell of my ear, and I felt his warm breath on my neck, sending a shiver down spine.

"Help me with Math?" He questioned. The tension was cut as I breathed out an awkward laugh, his own deep chuckle resonating into my ear. He quickly slapped my ass, making me squeal in surprise and instinctively clutch the front of his school shirt. He raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side, making him look utterly adorable. I shuffled off him, sitting on the wooden floor. He reached for my backpack and yanked out the battered maths book.

"Jesus, what happened to this book? Did a pack of dogs get to it?" He mocked playfully, but I felt my stomach drop. It was his group's fault that majority of my books were left tattered, but I kept my head down and reached for my book. Yoongi tugged it back and out of my reach, throwing me a quizzical look as I didn't answer his initial question. I reached for it again, but his hands gripped onto my wrist harshly.

"You stupid cunt, answer me!" He yelled loudly, his eyebrows knitting into an angered frown. I flinched away slightly, squirming in an attempt to be free from his grip, but he was a lot stronger and kept his hold. I averted my eyes to the dirty brown wood that was beneath my school trousers.

"I... It got crushed and crinkled under... some other books in my bag," I lied under my breath. His grip loosened off of my wrist, but he went to tug on my chin and forced us to make eye contact. His eyes were filled with a dim glow of animosity, and he accused me of lying with his cold stare. I glanced to his lips subconsciously, but quickly looked at his eyes once again.

"My books... they're like this because... in my classes, you and your friends... they mess up my work, but it's ok! I don't... I don't m-mind!" I stuttered, attempting to sound annoying in front of Yoongi. He kissed his teeth, shoving me backwards and onto the floor. My back hit the wooden floor with a loud thud and my head made hard contact with the ground. Yoongi jumped up and stared at me, eyes filled with disgust. He brought his foot down and it connected with my ribs. I moaned loudly at the pain, the burning feeling spreading through my chest. Again, he kicked my sides thrice and I felt the scalding hot tears run down my face. He placed his foot next to my head and I closed my eyes, expecting the worst. I heard his shoe squeak as it left the ground, before a large force hit my cheek. I opened my eyes and howled in pain, my hands shooting straight up to cover my face. Yoongi laughed at my pathetic attempt to save myself, and poked my head with his foot, making it loll lazily. My head felt as though it would split in two, as I clutched the grazed area with my hands. Yoongi spat on my shirt, the thick blob of saliva soaking into the white material.

Yoongi then leaned down and brushed the hair out of my face, his breathing ragged on my skin.

"You stupid, gay faggot, like I could love someone like you? You think that a low-life nerd could really get my attention? I only love beating you up; I don't love you," he growled. My heart shattered inside my chest as the words sliced through my hopes. The tears streamed down mercilessly, and I stared into Yoongi's emotionless eyes.

You're hopes are over, Jimin; give up with this guy.

The thoughts swarmed inside my head and the though that stuck out the most accidentally slipped from my lips.

"Kill me, Yoongi. Please, kill me."

WHAT HAVE I DONE?! Mind you, Jimin hasn't just said this for this moment - he has a hard life outside school too, but all will be explained!

- Bangtan_Trash2401 ♡

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