Chapter 7

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Weather: Major cockblocking with a large shower of feels.

Also if anyone was confused about the last chapter, the voice in Yoongi's head is just in italics, and Yoongi's response is in bold italics.

《BlackPink in your area》

- Bangtan_Trash2401 ♡


I looked up at the boy that hovered above me and stared into his eyes that were filled with pure happiness. His black hair hid the bright brown eyes slightly, so I pushed the jet black strands away from his forehead, our gaze still locked. His phone buzzed once again and he averted his eyes from mine and brought his hands to my chest. His lips trembled before he mumbled out an incoherent sentence, making me cock my head to the side in confusion.

"T-tak-ke m-me... t-to the h-hosp-pital please?" He stuttered, biting his puffy bottom lip. The way his teeth bit down on the soft pink flesh made my mind go wild. Then his tongue poked out and he ran it agonisingly slowly over the section that he was just nibbling, making my mind whirr even more. He tugged on my hair impatiently and I nodded at him lazily.

"Uh... yeah... sure, get up baby," I commented, unaware what I had just called him. His face was dusted with a pale pink blush, and he shuffled off me shyly. Pulling him up off the floor, I ushered him to follow me. I strolled down the corridor, grabbing a coat for myself and then glancing to Jimin who was unprepared for the stormy looking evening. I tugged on the umbrella that was on the hook near the door, handing the quiet boy the mint coloured plastic. He mumbled out a quiet thank you, but pivoted on his heel to turn in the direction of the main room.

"Suga, I f-forgot m-my bag in the other r-room... c-can I get it?" He asked. I didn't answer, and he began walking to his bag but I was quick to grab him by the wrist. I felt the way his body tensed under my grip, probably in fear, but I then pulled him into my chest.

"You're coming back here after this... untimely hospital visit. Understood?" I growled into his ear, my tone clearly authorative and stern. He weakly nodded, and I loosened my grip on his wrist, only to reach for his hand. I hesitantly placed my palm in his, wondering why I was doing this myself.

Stupid Min Yoongi, you realise that all that's going to happen is both of you being shamed by society? Won't that cause pain for your poor, sweet, innocent Jiminie?

Shut the fuck up.

Struck a nerve I see?

I told you to shut the fuck up.

I will. Just don't blame me when everything turns to shit.

I shook my head, ridding myself of that shitty nagging that rang out in my head. Jimin intertwined our fingers and tugged me to the door,his face still tinted a slight pink. I grabbed the keys from the shelving unit beside the door, unlocking the door and opening it for Jimin. He stepped outside, shivering at the temperature change. I went to grab a coat from the rack, brushing the navy blue fabric that hung on the dark brown wood.


I shook my head, yanking the coat off it's hook and I handed it to the quivering boy. He held the coat in his hands and sent me a questioning look. I responded by nodding to him, and he slipped the overly large material that passed his fingertips and hung incredibly loosely on his petite frame. He sent me a smile, and I followed him outside, locking the door behind me. We began walking to the place where we just were, and I felt Jimin lace his fingers back with my own, his cold hands shaking nervously against my own.

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