Chapter 20

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Yo yo yo let's get these books updated... I might have to take a break off my books for a while because of an important exam I have, but I'll let you know all the deets later.

For the lovely damnchocolate

《And I try to stay strong, I swear I do, but sometimes, it's all far too much, and I'm left cornered.
But I remember,
Our happy place was a garden, right?
Filled with pretty plants, and a beautiful you》

- cute-namjoonie ♡


My head pounded as I cracked an eye open, met with a dark, hollow room. I turned to the clock, the blurry outline of 6:53am burning into my sockets.

"Yoongi?" I mustered, hauling myself up to rest on my palms. I was met with no reply, just as I had thought. I coughed when the heavy stench of vomit stung my nostrils, making me gag and screw my nose up. The room was lifeless; no laughter or love to be shared. By the bed, was an ash tray, a packet of cigarettes and Yoongi's signature black lighter, all untouched. My legs quivered as I hauled myself up, breathing matching the quiet patter of rain.

I held onto the bedside table for support, feeling the coarse splintered wood harsh against my fingertips. I plucked the cool plastic lighter, slipping it into my pocket, gulping when I picked up the packet of cigarettes.

"Yoongi! Stop smoking, you're making the place stink."
"You love how badass I look when I smoke though, don't you?"
"Yoongi, you're gonna die early if you keep at it."
"What if I already am dead? What if I'm in heaven right now?"
"Yoongi, what the hell makes you say that?"
"Because damn, you're so beautiful I could mistake you for an angel."
I felt my cheeks heat up, each inch of skin burning and itching as I tried not to cringe at his remark. He throatily chuckled, placing the cigarette in between his pale pink lips and puffing out plumes of light grey smoke. It rose, creating a small cloud right above is head, and I hated to admit that he did look attractive with that death-stick between his lips.

I groaned, tightening my grip on the box, before pivoting and throwing it at the wall. Pure frustration coursed through me, but I attempted to maintain myself, clutching the jacket that hung on the chair beside me. Angry, short, sharp breaths fell from my lips, my forehead creasing into a deep frown. I swiped the purse from the light brown desk, remembering how I would try to tutor Yoongi.

"Yeah, but Jimin... I can't understand."
"You can't? Or you don't want to?"
"A bit of both."
His eyes drifted over the paper, lazily skimming each equation as he tapped the end of the pencil against his lower lip. His other hand was running through his hair, pushing black the blonde locks to allow glimpses of his forehead peek through. His eyebrows knitted in confusion, pencil harshly thrown onto the tabletop, an annoyed groan emitting from deep at the back of his throat.
"I can't do it! I can't fucking do it, Park Jimin. Help me, help me you asshole."
"Is that any ways to really speak to your boyfriend?"
"Like I give a shit."
"Keep testing your luck and I swe-,"
Before I could finish my sentence, a chapped pair of lips settled against my own, fingers cradling my face. I instantly melted into the kiss, my own hands exploring his shoulders, shifting and intertwining with locks of hair. He pulled away, kissing my forehead and moving the paper aside.
"Maybe this can wait."
And all I could do was nod, completely and utterly under his spell.

13 Days - [YOONMIN]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ