Chapter 22

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I had an exam yesterday idk if I did well, pray for me :'(

- cute-namjoonie


Weeks had passed, maybe even months, I didn't know anymore. Each day had slurred into a mess, sleepless nights turning into habitual thinking time, waiting for the Sun to rise so I could lay another fresh bunch of peach roses at the foot of Yoongi's freakishly white hospital bed. I would hold his hand each day, whispering hopeful moments of the future as he despondently laid there, eyes glued shut and heart in synch with the steady beat of the heart monitor. I watched as his blonde hair would shiver as my warm breath washed over his face when my lips peppered kisses across the smooth skin. Occasionally, a set of nurses would come in to wash gently at the sore bumps that littered his back, only to leave with sympathetic smiles. I would hook my lips up to mirror their faces, only to quickly turn my attention back to the pale boy that lay before me. Everyday, I would smile and tell him short stories about the rare days of school I had experienced, hoping for a rich chuckle to leave his thin lips - the sound never resonated through the room, only my empty giggle falling dimly on silent air.

Today, however, instead of having a fresh set of flowers tucked beneath my arm, I felt the thick envelope filled with report cards about Yoongi, eyes heavy and smile non - existent. I sighed, slumping into my chair and smiling weakly, pressing a chaste kiss against his cheek. I breathed out shakily, feeling the pinch of tears in my eyes, hesitantly gripping the envelope and placing it on my lap. The grim face of the doctor flashed through my mind, indicating what was inside was possibly the worst news I could ever receive at a time like this.

My fingers fumbled with the sticky corners of the opening for the envelope, my mind racing to find out what was inside. However, before my fingers could even grip the brown paper, the door creaked open, revealing the petite nurse that I had grown to like. Her brown hair was flung into a messy bun, a crooked name tag labelled 'Mina' attached to her breast pocket. With puffed cheeks, she scuttled over to me with her head low, aura seemingly gloomy. I quirked my brow at her, our eyes meeting for a split second, before her small hands gestured for me to open the envelope that laid on my thighs. I sighed, again, attempting to tear open the seal, finally peeling away the sticky tack to reveal a thick booklet with multiple coloured papers inside. Mina gulped, bottom lip finding it's way between her rows of teeth. Her eyes began to water, and she sniffled, reaching over to pull the booklet out of it's casing.

Confusion must have been evident on my face, as I felt the knot forming on my forehead as my frown deepened. Hastily, she flipped open the booklet past the white sheets and straight to the light pink leafs of paper. Then, she thrusted the stack of papers into my vacant hands, startling me with her brash movements. I breathed deeply, eyes skimming over the page and noticing the date was when the accident happened. My heart sunk, small notations written in awful handwriting scattering the page and reviving visions that had haunted my dreams for the past few months. I kept flipping, before reaching the last pink sheet, feeling the slight constriction around my wrist as Mina cast a worried glance towards me. I frowned, feeling her grip loosen and she retreated to the seat next to me, head peering over as I turned the page over fully.

Patient: Min Yoongi
Relations: Spouse - Min Jimin

Observation(s) Made by Overwatching Doctor(s) - to date:

Heart rate has become weaker - possible heart deterioration? Medication has been fed through IV - no changes after 13 days

Patient has become far more unresponsive - spouse had reported multiple accounts of hand tightening, no further/recent accounts. When light is shone on opened eye - pupil expansion took approx. 1.2 seconds longer than before - brain recognition is far slower

Skin has become paler and levels of red blood cells has dropped - reduced blood flow has been concluded - skin is also tinged blue - patient was given extra nutrients within IV and blankets - RBC count rose, but still at an alarming rate

Final conclusion has been made. Patient has stayed within hospital for 6 months and 13 days - life support will be cut off - proposal of this decision to spouse - only 7 days of allowance after information has been passed on

Private Nurse Mina has been alongside spouse - concludes that spouse may need stability post-passing of Min Yoongi

Therapist References:

Kim Seokjin - ****-****-***

Printed by Doctor: [Signature]

Whimpers and shaky breaths filled the air. I turned to Mina, who's eyes were pink stained and unshed tears swam near the waterline. I choked back sobs, fingers running over the marked sheets.

"M-Mina it's not t-true, n-no..." I stuttered, watching the tears seep into the paper, forcing the ink to bleed. My heart shattered, but I wanted it to stop. I wanted Yoongi to wake up, kiss me and tell me it was alright, but he stayed there, motionless. My throat tightened and my breathing was beginning to falter, I dropped the booklet and, with stumbling steps, ran out the room - the haunting beeping still resounding in my eardrums.

I sprinted, feet lazily slapping the concrete as my legs carried me to Yoongi's apartment. Tears blurred my vision, ears filled with the sound of blood ferociously pumping through my system.

If only you weren't so selfish, Jimin, maybe you could be giving him some blood right now, couldn't you? But no, Jimin is far too important to sacrifice anything for his lover. Right?

My subconscious taunted me, making my head hurt even more as the palms of my hand slammed against the door of our apartment. I fumbled with the keys, forcing it inside the keyhole and wrenching the door open. After pushing it shut, I collapsed onto the floor, painfully landing on my knees. Tears mercilessly streamed down my face, the carpet gulping them down as they splattered onto the cream coloured surface.

life support will be cut off

"N-No, not Y-Yoongi... n-not Yoon-ngi..." I whimpered, heart aching at the flashbacks of his amazing smile; bleach blonde hair that tickled my neck as he buried his face beneath my chin; the burning kisses that we shared sending a tingling feeling across my lips.

"Yoon-ngi, please if y-you can hear me. W-wake up, I l-love you, please! Y-Yoongi! I need y-you... J-Jimin needs y-you so m-much.... need... you..."

And with that, my breathing quickened, cheek forcefully hitting the floor and my vision- black.

... don't kill me guyysss

- cute-namjoonie ♡

13 Days - [YOONMIN]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang