Chapter 8

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I'm so tired and my brain just feels so frazzled, and alongside my family constantly arguing, I really can't deal with anything right now. I apologise in advance if this chapter isn't all that good, I'm just not feeling my very best. I hope that all of you are fine though!

《Hello Bi+ches》

- Bangtan_Trash2401 ♡


I watched as Jimin lowered his gaze to the ugly grey concrete that lay beneath our feet. The uncomfortable silence made me shift my weight between my feet, awkwardly rocking my body left to right. Jimin was still quiet, his head bowed down and his hands playing with the long sleeves of the jacket. I watched as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and began chewing on it vigorously, eyebrows knitted in deep thought.

Finally, after a few minutes of waiting, he lifted his head and gave me a sad smile. I cocked my head to the side in confusion, as he cupped my cheek in his small hands and pressed a kiss to my forehead. I stumbled back, thrown off by his action, watching as he chuckled to himself.

"This... I can't do whatever this is. I'm not able to... suddenly view you as someone who loves me, when all you've done is hurt me... I knew from the start that all this could be is one sided, but all of a sudden you're kissing me, giving me pet names and making my heart skip beats everytime you touch me. It's unbearable to know that... this relationship wouldn't even start out as a stable one, let alone end as a stable one. I'm just not... ready to... to let you..." he trailed off, fiddling with his thumbs nervously.

A sudden rush of sadness flowed through me, and I found myself slowly stumbling away from him. His voice called out my name, but I was still backing away.

"Stay away from me. Stay away and I swear, I'll leave you alone. Don't follow me, ok? Just... I'll be going," I mumbled to him. He softly muttered my name under his breath, making me shiver and turn away. A few metres were between us, but my feet still walked away from him. I heard the soft pattering of his feet following me down the dimly lit roads, but I decided against shouting at him to go away. Again, his voice echoed my name, cracking with every syllable, and I knew he was crying. I wish I could turn around and wipe away those tears from his face, and press kisses to his lips, but instead I had sped up and was now briskly walking away from him.


My feet struggled to keep up with Yoongi's speed, and I found myself slightly jogging behind him. I could tell that he didn't want me there after the words had left my mouth, but I persisted to follow him. I didn't know why I was even trailing behind him, maybe because I couldn't stand the fact that he was upset because of me.

Eventually, we had turned up at the crossroad that lead to Yoongi's house, and he turned to me. His eyes were glazed with unshed tears, and his hands were balled into fists at his sides.

"Why are you still here? Is this some sort of joke to you? Some sort of act, or game? What is it, Jimin? Because I'm sure as fuck done with you, and I don't want you here. You could rot and die for all I care," he spat. Each word felt like tiny jabs in my heart, and I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. He stepped closer to me, sighing deeply and averting his eyes to my quivering lips. I held back a whimper, and a small squeak escaped my mouth and his eyes met mine.

They were filled with guilt and pain. His face, however, was blank and expressionless, but his eyes spoke the truth that he was trying to hide. I moved my hand over my mouth, choking out an ugly sob and felt a new wave of tears cascade down my face. His pale hands unclenched and hesitantly, they moved to my wrist. The cold air hit my face and the jacket rippled in the wind, but when his hand made contact with mine, my entire body was alight and I felt the familiar sparks travel across my arm. He wrapped his slender fingers over my wrist and removed my hand from my mouth, tugging me along. I wanted to speak, but my throat dried up as soon as I opened my mouth.

The short journey to his house was silent, other than the erratic breathing and quick footsteps that echoed around us. He pulled out his keys, yanking me through the doorway and locking the door behind him. The hallways that we stood in was dark, so Yoongi reached behind him to press the light switch, poorly illuminating the area. The tension thickened, and I felt the warm tears trickle down my puffy cheeks and drip onto the jacket. Not a word was exchanged between the both of us.

Minutes passed before either of us spoke, or even looked up from the floor.

"It's been hard," Yoongi started, voice threatening to crack. "It's been hard to... to live without a family, even though it's only been a week or so. It's hard to fall in love, when everyone that says they love you, leaves and doesn't come back. It's even harder to... find someone that loves you for who you are, despite the fact that all you do is threaten them. So how do you do it? How can you love someone so horrible for so long, and not realise that there are others out there that are so much better?"

"Yoongi I-,"

"It's not fair. It's not fair on people like you, on people like your mum or even people like my family. It's not fair. Why does something bad always happen to the good people? Why do they have to suffer, when people like me can just walk away without any punishment? Why? Why is it that-"

"Life's not fair, Yoongi. We can't pick and choose what happens to us, or who we fall in love with, or when we die or anything like that. What we have to do, is find the strength to live through hard times like this. We can't just lay down and give up, sometimes you just," I stopped, stepping closer to him and reaching out to grab his hand. "Sometimes we just have to find the right people, people that are willing to be alongside us throughout everything."

I lifted Yoongi's head with my free hand, watching as tears fell from his glassy eyes. I wiped them away, brushing his bleach blond hair away from his face. He sniffled, and I was shocked that he was so hurt by everything and he was letting his emotions out so openly. His grip on my hand tightened, and he pulled me closer, enveloping me into a hug.

"Does that m-mean that... by finding-g y-you, I've f-found the r-right person?"

"That's up to you to decide, Yoongi. Am I right for you?" I questioned hesitantly. He tightened his hold on me, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"I think you're the best for me."

So originally, I had something really sad planned, but I wanted to lift my own mood a bit, so everything is all happy and cute... For now 😅

- Bangtan_Trash2401 ♡

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