Chapter 5

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Ehhh hey... sorry I've been gone for so long, I've been really ill for the past few days :(

- Bangtan_Trash2401 ♡


The words that tumbled out of the frail boy's lips shocked me out of my angered state. I shuffled back slightly and stared at the quivering form in front of me, his words slowly sinking into my mind. His face was buried deeply into his hands, as he began uncontrollably wailing loudly. I quickly crouched down, confused on how to tackle the situation before me. I couldn't help but feel slightly smug over how much power I had over this kid. All I had known was that some nerd had a crush on me, as heard from my good friend - Hoseok - and apparently he was in all of my classes. Previously, I wouldn't have guessed that the black haired introvert would've been the one that was so deeply infatuated with someone like me.

Squatting down beside him, I brought my slender fingers over to wrap around his quivering wrists. He wrenched out an ugly sob from the back of his throat and attempted to roll away from my touch, but I had a strong grip on him. I yanked him towards me, and his hands fell from his face and we both made eye contact. His cheeks were painted with light pink streaks, his eyes stained with bright red ribbons. A few more tears fell from his eyes, which I quickly brushed away with the pads of my thumbs. He lowered his gaze to the floor, but was quick to regain eye contact with me. I let go of his wrists and ran my fingers over the bruising flesh of his cheek, feeling the freshly grazed skin under my fingertips. He inhaled sharply, only to let out a long exhale and stop my hands in their tracks with his frail fingers. They wrapped around my own pale wrists, the creamy colour of his skin contrasting greatly against my own lifeless-looking complexion. I hesitantly let out the breath that I was holding in, and watched as Jimin had lightly pushed me back, hauling himself up and offering me a hand. His plush pink lips curled up into a warm and genuine smile.

My mind whirred as I couldn't understand the way the boy was still able to smile. The way his eyes had dismissed the earlier sadness, and replaced it with resonating happiness. The way his hand was so welcoming in front of me. The way his smile was not bitter, but filled with honest, hearty joyfulness. I felt my own lips moulding into a small smile, as I took his hand in my own; he hauled me up, and I got a proper look at how much I had beaten him up.

Small droplets of blood had soaked through the front of his formerly white shirt, the small speckles blooming out into larger splotches that covered majority of the rib cage area. His unstained face was now littered with small scratches and a large purple blemish: the ugly aubergine tint standing out greatly. Once again, I delicately ran my fingers of the uneven skin, noticing how Jimin's eyes had fluttered shut and his breathing was once again even. I felt the way that his torn skin was slightly swollen, and I let go of his face to leave to the kitchen. His eyes shot open as soon as my hand left contact with his face, but I sent him a small reassuring smile. He nodded, seating himself on the sofa and grabbing his Math book, flipping through the many pages. I watched how his tongue flicked out between his lips in concentration, and how his eyebrows furrowed slightly as he struggled with the pages between his fingers.

I strolled down the corridor, twisting the door handle to the kitchen. I went over to the off-white coloured fridge-freezer and glanced at the small notes that cluttered the fridge face, noticing how they were all from my family members. Many were grocery lists for the shopping that was never done that day. Some, however, were small notes of unnecessary and futile messages, stating how much they "loved me".

If they loved you, Yoongi, they wouldn't have left.

Anger surged through me as I brought my left fist down onto the kitchen counter. I felt the familiar sting shock through my hand, and I repeated the action - each time the hits being harder. I yelled and kicked at the kitchen cabinet, but a small whisper snapped me out of my state.

"Y-Yoongi? I-Is every-ything ok?" The timid boy breathed, head peeking out from the doorframe. I sighed, glancing at the raw skin of my knuckles that glowed a bright crimson. Without warning, I felt soft hands wrapping around my own and stroking the broken skin tenderly. I tilted my head to see Jimin nursing my hand, reaching over to grab a flannel and soak it under cold water from the tap. He ran the material over my wounds, humming lightly in my ear comfortingly. My mouth hung open slightly, stunned again at the boy's actions.

You're a bully, Yoongi. You should be beating the shit out of him, not let him treat you like a baby. You should make him beg for mercy; cry at your feet; scream for you to stop; stand down in front of you! You are not equals. He's a low life, a no-one! Kill him like he asked you to!

"STOP!" I yelled. Jimin was quick to stumble back, his back hitting the plain tiles and his eyes wide. I pivoted to face him, watching the fear creep over his features, but I held out my hands in an attempt to calm him. He flinched away, whimpering denial under his breath like a mantra. I tried to hush him, but he cowered away, falling to the floor in a curled up heap. I slowly approached him, arms still up either side of my head. He shook his head repeatedly, his wails becoming louder.

I crouched down beside him, and he tried to shrink away more. Before my body could process anything, I did something I never thought I would. I brought my arms around him, pulling him into a hug.

"It's ok. It's all going to be ok."

Ok so before anyone gets confused on why Yoongi's anger is all over the place, all will be explained later!

- Bangtan_Trash2401 ♡

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