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Usually, when you're a badass, people tend to leave you alone.

Typically, when you're a pretty princess, people try to get in your pants.

So, what happens when you're a badass pretty princess with a lot of class, like me? People seem to try to mess with you by getting to your pants.

I'm a good boy, though. I don't let them in... unless I make them. I'm just really good at giving head and then receiving something in return, it's one of my best qualities.


I could've been at home with father before he left for a drug shipment, but I had things to do. I'm sure he understands, he knows about the whole Casey thing.

I had blowjobs to give out so that I could relax my sex-hungry mind before going to to find information about the man of my dreams.

That's what I was doing, giving head.

Scott was moaning in his seat, hands in my hand as I did my thing in his lap. It was cramped under his steering wheel, but it was bearable.

'Chandler, I swear to god, if I get call-'

'If you get called in then you'll just come quick and I'll get out of your way' I mumble, pumping his manhood 'Easy as that'

The cruiser was quiet, other than the loud sound of slurping and faint moaning.

He releases into my mouth after a few more moments with his hand pulling tightly at my hair.

My lips slide off of the pulsing head with a pop and I wipe the side of my mouth of my sleeve before getting out from under the steering wheel.

'Have you found anything else out?'

'Casey B. McIntyre' He sighs, tucking himself back into his pants '27-- born in Muskegon, Michigan, adopted at the age of 4'

'Is that all?'

'One brother, both parents have passed'

'How'd you get all of that?'

'You're not the only way who has their own secret ways' He grins

'Thank you so much!' I jump over to wrap my arms around his chest and give him a kiss on the lips.

He tasted like the strawberry icing on the donut he had just had, and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't delicious.

'I can stop by the department tonight and give you a lap dance as a thanks... if you want'

'You don't have to, baby, don't worry about paying me back' He shrugs 'I did this because I love you, I don't need anything in return'

'Okay' I nod 'If you say so'

'If you really want to, though... I mean...'

I smirk 'Yes, sir'

Brushing some hair from my eyes, I open the passenger door and sigh, turning back to him 'Thank you again, officer'

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