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With a small ding from doorbell, I stand there patiently and intertwine my fingers together.

I only have to wait for a moment before I hear several locks get turned, the big door sliding open to show a very tall, masculine man, who also happened to have a goofy grin on his face as always.

'Hi, princess'

'Hi, big guy!'

'Come on in' He smiles, closing the door behind me as I step into his home 'I've remodelled the living room'

'I remember you saying something about that' I say 'I'm excited to see it'

Walking through the arch, I'm met with an elegant display of fancy, black and red furniture. The slick, black brick fireplace was lit, a big flat screen hanging above it.

His new and improved aquarium tank was glowing brightly, lights from his undecorated Christmas tree reflecting on it.

His long l-shaped couch fit perfectly in the centre of the room whilst a pearlescent red coffee table beamed in front of it.

I noticed pictures hanging on the wall, most of them were artistic aesthetic paintings or drawings, some of his own, but there very several pictures of me or the two of us together.

'I know the tree looks really depressing, but I thought we could decorate it together'

I blush 'That's romantic'

'I'm making stir-fry, that okay?'

'Yeah' I nod 'That's great'


As he walks into the kitchen, I kick off my shoes and socks before taking my hat off. I was going to sit down on his couch, but his big ass husky darts towards me.

With a startle, I get down on my knees and open up my arms, waiting for his heavy impact 'Hi, buddy!'

He sits down in front of me and closes his eyes when I begin to scratch behind his ears, one of his favourite places to be rubbed.

'Hey, Venom?'

'What's wrong, sweetheart?'

'Nothing is wrong' I say, standing back up 'I was just wondering if you were gonna dress Bandit up for Christmas'

'I mean, I wasn't thinking about it but if you want to, we can'

I nod, even though he can't see me until I walk to the kitchen with Bandit following beside me 'Should he be an elf?'

'Sure' He shrugs, tossing the dog a piece of meat from the meal 'Whaddya think about that, bud?'

Bandit barks, looking up at Venom with pure loyalty and love in his eyes.

'I think he wants to be one'

'It appears so' He nods before leaning over the counter and looking at me 'What're you doing this weekend?'

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