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Hey, baby girl. I've got a hearing in a couple of weeks, and I'm actually nervous.

Usually, I'm fine around these dates, but I feel like something might go wrong. If it does, though, I'll just smoke something with my bunk mates.

I almost wish you were here, babe, the shit they've got in this place is fucking insane. People are goddamn creative with this shit!

Well, I won't bore you with all the details of my life, but I really hope to see you one day.

stay you, princess
xo eli

The letter made me smile, he was literally living in hell and yet he continued to have a comedic personality.

He was wise, and I needed another set of opinions about Casey. Of course he doesn't even know him, but if I explain my debacle in person-- he should be able to give me some of his expertise.

After about 15 minutes, I finished my reply and quickly put it into an envelope, running downstairs to put it on the table for the mail tomorrow.

'Princess' I hear an intimidating, deep voice call from the living room 'Come in here, please'

I go to stand in front of him, putting my hands behind my back innocently with flushed cheeks.

'Hi, father'

'Did you get your letter?'

'Yes, sir'

He smiles softly, tapping his fingers on his leg 'Was your day fine?'

'Father, are you okay?' I furrow my eyebrows, going to sit next to him on the couch

Something had to've been wrong, he seemed upset and jittery. He's usually calm and collected, but his mood was off. Nothing was normal.

'Daddy's fine, don't worry about it'

'I love you, father' I say, wrapping my arms around him

'I love you too, sweetheart' He sighs 'You should get some rest now'



'Will you be here in the morning?'

'I will if you want me to'


'Okay' He nods, a goofy grin curling his lips 'I will be here'

After giving him a kiss on the cheek, I scurry upstairs and shut my door, locking it before settling down in bed.

Sweet dreams drug me into a peaceful sleep as the blankets created warmth around me.

Okay, I'm basically an angel. Who could roll over in the morning and still look this cute? An angelic human being like myself.

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