chapter 11

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zoro pov

i had finally got back. after two weeks living in luxury, im back in this shit hole. we had parked the bus at sanji's studio i drove me and ace home. i gotta say....its kinda nostalgic. i walked inside. that raggedy sofa we got from a yard sale. clothes thrown about. the tv that had a huge back. our little jacked up dvd/vcr combo that we got from a thrift store for 6 bucks. the strong musty smell that tells you only guys live here. yeah. its a dump. a dump we put up with for the past two years. it wasn't much but it was home. i sighed. i walked into my room. the torn up queen sized mattress with the fitted sheet half covering it. my clothes all around. the big poster of the swords on the wall. like i could ever afford to get them. they were just there to remind me that i still had a dream. i wanted to work for this luxury sword smithing company every since i was a little kid. yeah. not your typical dream. i didn't want to be a fireman or a police officer. i wanted to make and swing swords for the rest of my life. it wasn't much but it was mine. i looked around for my suitcase. i spotted under a pile of used undies. wow am i slob. when was the last time i did laundry? i walked over and dug it out. it had a little bit of dust on it that i wiped off. it was kinda big. it was the only suitcase i had when i moved in here. damn near everything i owned can fit in here. i went through and grabbed my clean clothes. i stuffed them in my suitcase. i just realized how...plain my room is. just sad and lonely looking. the only things in my room was my bed on the floor and the piles of clothes scattered around. i didn't have a dresser. i don't need one. my clothes are just fine on the floor. i shook my head. this isn't the time to be pitying myself. i need to pack up and move on. move on to the next chapter of my life. ill get to experience mark's climb to the top first hand. id have to watch from his back, though. at least till i have the courage to confess to him. i stuffed my dirty clothes in a bag to wash. i took off the fitted sheet. im done. my entire life packed in about 30 minutes. i cant take the mattress with me so i will abandon it here. i grabbed my dirty clothes bag and my suitcase and headed out my room. i put them in front of the door. i took a seat on the sofa and waited for ace. he came out 10 minutes later with the same as i had. the only difference is that he had a lot of posters of some guy named doflamingo who is like the worlds  top model or something. 'i will take his place someday' ace would always say when we found ourselves soul searching. which was all the time we weren't sleeping, working, or dancing. ace had a depressed look on his face as put his bags next to mine. looks like it took him 40 minutes to pack. this is it. wash the clothes we have and we are done. i grabbed a small box to get the left over shampoo, body wash, and other stuff in the bathroom. i closed it up and taped it. i sat it between our dirty clothes bags. me and ace sat on the raggedy sofa.

we reached into the sides of the sofa, inside some of the tears in it. we pulled out a little bag of money. our life saving. i took out the little roll. i counted it. 600 bucks. that was it. that is all i have to show for the last two years of my life. i put the money in my wallet and looked at ace. his roll was thicker than mine but made of 20's and 50's instead of 100's. he counted it. he smirked. "400 bucks? is that really what im worth?" he chuckled. two dirty clothes bags, two suitcases, one little box of hygiene stuff, and 1k between us. "hey zoro," i looked at ace. he was looking at the money in his hand. " kinda depressed. we just packed up the last two years of our life in less than an hour," he whispered. i nodded. " long you think we gotta wait till we can move in?" he asked. i shrugged. "i don't think mark would expect that we could move out of here and into the new house in the same day," i said. it sounded even sadder saying it out loud. "...yeah. i guess he wouldn't expect us to be done in less than an hour," he said. "are we really that sad?" i couldn't help but ask. he let out a long sigh. "i guess it would depend on how long it took the others to pack," he said. i nodded. i looked at the clock, 2:30 pm. its still early. we could go back. right now. never come back here. i don't need to be there to quit my jobs. shit. i do need to be here to pick up my check from the club though. giant eagle was on direct deposit. the club paid us under the table. its kinda sad too. "when are you gonna quit?" i asked. ace seemed to think it over. "i can quit today. i was susposed to go back in as soon as i got back and today is pay day. i can just be there long enough to make some good tips and get my paycheck," he said. i nodded. "how about you?" he asked. "i guess i could do the same thing. work a little to get some money from tips, get my paycheck and we can head out together. when you gotta be there?" i asked. he looked at the clock. "in like an hour. i have to cover for a few guys tonight," he said. i nodded. looks like we are heading to the club.

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