Chapter 28 - Were You Guys Doing The Nasty?

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I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head, turning away from the voice.

"Psssst," the voice whispered again. Then I felt a quick pressure against my shoulder. It released then appeared again. The owner of the voice was poking me.

Sighing dramatically, I rolled over.

"Jesse stop," I mumbled into the pillow.

"My name isn't Jesse," the higher pitched voice said.

I stopped breathing and my body tensed up. I quickly took inventory of where I was and with whom. Okay, creepy hotel, creepy old lady, creepy kid, people trying to get into our room, I slept in the same bed as Jesse, I don't have covers, I'm wearing Jesse's clothes.

Who the hell did that voice belong to?

I was too afraid to open my eyes, like keeping them closed was protecting me from the horror movie scene that was about to unfold.

"Psst," the voice said again, and I felt a finger poke my shoulder again.

Panic was rising inside me. Where was Jesse?

Counting to ten, I decided that keeping my eyes shut was only prolonging my death so I did the stupidest thing ever. I opened my eyes one at a time.

"AHHHH!!" I screamed, ripping the pillow out from under my head and throwing it at the kid that was trying to get into our room all last night. I sat straight up, bumping into what felt like Jesse who apparently hadn't heard the kid break in at some point. Some hero he was.

Jesse shot up from his comfy position, throwing his arms out and accidentally hitting me in the back.

"What the hell?!" He shouted in response to my sudden scream.

He surveyed his surroundings until his eyes fell onto the little kid.

"AHHHH!!" He yelled in surprise and probably a little bit of fear.

We looked at each other.

"AHHHH!!!!" We both yelled and glanced back at the kid.

"Who are you?!" I shrieked, scooting back into Jesse's warm chest.

He quickly wrapped an arm around me and drew me closer to him. I suppose it was to protect me. Clearly, he was failing. Idiot.

"Jonathan!" He chirped, a giant smile plastered onto his face. His clothes were just as large and just as ratty as they were last night.

"Care to explain why you're in our room?" Jesse snapped.

The kid looked at us in confusion.

"Your room?" He questioned. "This is my room."

I glanced at Jesse and if it weren't for the scary situation we were in currently, I would have laughed. Half of his curly hair was plastered to the side of his head and the other half was poofed out like a bad perm.

"Were you guys doing the nasty last night?" The kid asked and snickered.

My eyes bugged out of their sockets and Jesse tightened his grip around my waist.

"Dude, no," Jesse sighed in frustration. "Kid, what are you doing in here?"

"Well, Leona doesn't like for me to roam the halls and I was trying to get back inside before I would be punished."

"Punished?" I asked, more to myself than to him, but he heard it loud and clear.

"Yeah," he shrugged. "She locks me away in timeout."

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