Chapter 6: so will you ?

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I wake up in the morning and pull on my black ripped jeggings and knee high black boots . I'm also wearing my crop Metallica tee and leather jacket. I do the same makeup routine as yesterday
But I grab my black shades as its a sunny day.
My knuckle busters take up their familiar place in my pocket .

The guy I beat up yesterday wouldn't dare tell a teacher . He has no witnesses or evidence . However I have evidence of him bullying twigs.

I'm shocked to find Marilyn waiting for me outside the gates .
"Hey!" I greet him
"Hi . I came to meet you because I wanna ask you something "
"Shoot" I reply smiling
"Would you...ever...consider going out with me ?" He asks
"Is that a nervous way of asking me out?" I say raising an eye brow and giving him a sideways look
He blushes slightly.
"Cool it Manson. Course I'll go out with you " I answer punching him playfully in the arm .
He grins the maddest grin ever .
"Really ? Are you being serious "
"Of course you douchebaguette!"
"Did you just technically call me a shower sandwich in French ?"
We eventually get to school .
"So your an item with Manson are you ??" Ginger asks
"Yess " I reply
"I knew it !" Twiggy replied
"I have PE now . What you all got ?" I ask
"Same as you"
"Do we all have PE together here or is it boys and girls " I quiz
"It depends on the activity " ginger confirms
"Come on then " I command
"Has anyone seen Marilyn ?" I ask
"Right here" Marilyn States stood behind me
In PE the girls did dodgeball. I don't know what the lads did .
Anyway, I finished getting changed and spotted the guys sat in the place where we met last time .
"Hey" I announce
A chorus of 'hi' and 'hello' rang out from the group
"Where's Marilyn again ?" I giggle
"Not a clue lets go find him "
We all get up and walk further into the field when movement catches my eye at a closed off corner of the field .
It's Marilyn .
Being attacked . My blood boils and immediately I charge across the field. My knee high boots pinching and rubbing my legs to the point of pain but I ignore it.

I reach the people and launch myself through the air taking out the main guy punching MY boyfriend by the waist.
I tackle the guy onto the floor and punch him in the face without knuckle busters .
I jump up and punch the other guy and they both decide to retreat .
I kneel on the group next to Marilyn .
"What in the fucking world happened ?" I exclaim
Marilyn POV
I hate PE . As we trudge out onto the field I notice two guys whispering (presumably about me ) behind my back.

I head over to the far side of the field to play our game .
45 minutes of torturous PE later.
We all turn to head in . I'm at the very back of the line .
"Brian!" Someone shouts.
I turn around and that's when a guy jumps onto my back.
Then another is repeatedly pummelling me and I can feel cuts bleeding .
"What the fuck!" I shout
I kick one of them off me .
"Stupid goth misfit freak!" One shouts
Then she's here.
Flying through the air taking one out and punching another .
The guys run away screaming like little girls.
"What in the fucking world happened ?" She exclaims .
I explain the story to her as she's crouched next to me .
Unexpectedly, she pulls me into a tight embrace .
"Assholes" she agrees

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