Chapter 13: devils anarchy hole prt 2

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I walk through the door and nod hello to Jason, one of the bouncers at the door . It's a big place.

In the centre is the fighting ring with various mismatching chairs all around it . Off to the left there is a small eating area. Then off to the right are the changing rooms . In the back left hand corner is an iron door with a security pad next to it which you have to put a password in it to get in with is 666. Through that door is a recently built modern. Only Gerard's close friends know the code.

Straight ahead past the ring at the back of the place are the stairs leading up to Gerard's office . I walk past everything and up the stairs and knock on Gerard's door .
"Come in" he hollars and I push the door open .
I do love his office . The carpet is black and the furniture is white .
He was a white desk with black office chair and a white leather sofa off to the right . There's also a white shelf with a few trophies standing on it .
"Ebony my main girl herself ! Come to have a fight ?" He asks smiling .
Gerard has combed back black hair and he's not that much older than me . I'm 17 and he's 26. He inherited the place from his dad and transformed it. He is wealthy . He is actually attractive to be honest .
"Yo G and yup" I say smiling . He opens his desk drawer and pulls out my leather fighting gloves and my locker key to me.
"Got some fresh meat for you today !" He says flashing me his million dollar smile . That's our code for new competitor .
"Awesome . I'll put my stuff away. "
"Sure you don't want a tat? My guys coming over soon " he says winking
Gerard has been offering me a free tattoo since day one . I've always politely refused as my dad would go ape shit. Butttt... I feel different today .
"Oh go on then ." I sigh
"Woohooo!" ,he exclaims clapping his hands, "any idea what you want ?"
"A 666 on my wrist " I say pointing to my right wrist .
"Awesome . We'll do it after you fight . You have an audience as well ." He states
"Awesome any bets been placed on moi?" I say
"Quite a bit ." He replies winking
"Any on the fresh meat ?"
"Not a penny" he confirms smirking .
My dad doesn't particularly like Gerard . He thinks he's a bad influence which he probably is and also because dad also says that Gerard fancies me and he's too old for me .
Plus I have Marilyn . My blood boils once more . I can't believe they'd talk about me behind my back !
"Someone made you mad ? " G asks
"Intensely " I respond simply
"Can I touch you or are you too mad " he questions
"Let's find out " I say
He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug; I surprise myself by hugging back .
"Go get sorted and I'll prepare your fresh meat " he says with his arms still wrapped around my waist .
"K" I pull away
I put my gym bag into my locker . I have loads of missed calls and texts more Marilyn . However one catches my eye.
"We're comin for you " is what it reads .

To be cont in chapter 14: Devils anarchy hole prt 3' !!

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