Chapter 27

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A beeping.

That doesn't go away, it wont stop.

I want to smash it with a baseball bat and laugh as the expensive machinery crashes to the ground in tiny pieces.

My eyes feel too dry and like cracked pavements.


I wake up in a hospital which confuses me because since when was I in a hospital?

A grey-haired male doctor enters holding a metal-clipboard, with a serious expression on his ageing face. He smiles when he sees I am awake.

"Good afternoon, Ebony" he speaks softly with a posh accent.

"Um...hi?" I manage to murmur. My throat is extremely dry.

"How are you feeling?" He asks me concerned.

"Fine I throat is dry though" I splutter, struggling because of my throat.

He gestures to a navy-clad nurse beside him to fetch me a drink.

"Can you tell me what day it is?" He interrogates me.

I wanted to come back with a witty remark like 'A good day to party?' but something told me that that probably wouldn't be appropriate.

"Um...24th of February?" He frowns.

"The year?" He questions me further. I'm starting to worry a bit.

"2017" I stammer

He smiles.

" The year is correct but the date is wrong, it is now the 3rd of March." He informs me as the nurse hands me the water.

My blank expression makes him chuckle.

"You have been in a coma as a delayed effect a blunt trauma to the head. Luckily, there doesn't appear to be any lasting damage. By law I have to now inform the police that you are awake as they have some questions for you"

I have been out for a week. The shock is beginning to register with me.

The doctor leaves but the kindly nurse stays with me.

"You know, there is a group of kids who always visit you regularly but there is one guy in particular who always stays with you. We have to sometimes throw him out." She laughs

"Once, he fell asleep next to you so we just left him for the night" She smiles cheerfully at me.

"What's his name?" I quiz her, my interest piqued.

"Marilyn..." she looks thoughtful for a minute

"Yes, Marilyn Manson" She chuckles softly "They say he's a rockstar...he has a steady stream of fans which I overhear creating their own theories about what happened to you" She laughs as she ticks something on the chart at the bottom of my bed.

I freeze.

Fans? That follow him? Since when did this happen? I mean, I know that he had a steady fan base growing but he was no where near superstar status or anything. I especially did not expect him to have fans following him around places! Jeez...I guess a lot can happen in a week.

A glimmer in the corner of my eye makes me notice that my phone is sat on the white cupboard next to my bed. I reach out a pale arm to grasp it and go on the internet. Into the search bar, I type Marilyn Manson.

Shocked at the results, I gasp out loud. His picture is everywhere, there are numbers and numbers of fan accounts that post about him. He has his own website and a nation-wide tour coming up in a few weeks.

The doctor returns.

"The police are here to speak with you and your friends and family are on their way over" He smiles.

"Okay, send them in" I nod, to which he smiles and leaves once again.

A few seconds later, two tall officers enter my room. The nice nurse leaves.

"Hello Ebony, we have a few questions for you" They smile.

Highschool (a Marilyn Manson fanfic ) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now