Chapter 18: Gerard

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Gerard has been really clingy .
Like I mean clingy clingy . Not in a suffocating a nice way I guess you could say ?
He is always ringing me up to talk to me or inviting me out places with his gang .
I think it has something to do with Marilyn . Gerard is very territorial about things . About his friends, family , land, buildings and girlfriends ? I don't think Gerard believes in relationships or love . He only has one night stands and throws the slut out the next morning . He'd always been use to seeing me alone so when Marilyn turned up I guess he was jealous ? All his mildly flirty behaviour stopped and became overly flirty making it painfully obvious what he was doing which was pissing Marilyn off as I gathered . He tells me daily how Gerard is a manipulative weirdo which in turn was annoying the hell out of me.
So I guess you could say we've hit a rough patch ? I don't know .
Anyway it's Monday morning and we have school sadly . Twiggy says he wants to talk to me about something...I don't know why but that disconcerted me .

Anyway I look in the mirror and I'm satisfied with my appearance . It's a hot day so I'm wearing my short black denim Levi shorts, black slayer crop top and knee height demonia boots . My hair is down as well as straight and my black aviator shades hang from the collar of my shirt .
The knock at the door shows twiggy's arrival . Twiggy stands there beaming at me with his goofy smile . He is wearing a grey tunic with black skinny jeans underneath .
"Hey I love your clothes !" I exclaim honestly
"Hey ebony ! And thanks I decided to try something a bit different today !" He runs his hand through his black dreds which I had picked up as something he did when he was nervous .
"You okay ?" I ask
"Yeah " he says nervously
"Twiggy motherfuckin Ramirez don't ya dare lie to me " I roar playfully with a grin as wide as the Cheshire cat's.
"Let's walk and talk shall we "

Highschool (a Marilyn Manson fanfic ) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now