Chapter 24: let me get this straight

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"So let me get this straight" Ebony began confused.

"You are my boyfriend but there is some freaky stalker dude called Marilyn harassing me who is awkwardly signed to my dad's record label" she finished.

"Basically, honey yes" Gerard lies smugly.

"Should I avoid this Marilyn dude?" Ebony asks nervously

"No, but just don't purposefully go looking for him. If he approaches you kick him in the balls and ring me baby, got it?" He commands sternly, to which she nods in agreement.

"Umm...what does he look like?" Ebony interrogates

"Long black hair, lip ring, tall, brown eyes but sometimes wears a blue contact" Gerard describes.

"Okay" Ebony replies .

"Just...I have an idea" Gerard schemes

"I think Marilyn may think he's in a relationship with you..." Gerard explains

"Okay? Your point is?"

"If you make it clear you don't love him and never loved him he'll back off" Gerard triumphs

"Isn't that a bit harsh...even for a creepy dude"

"No! He deserves it!!" Gerard huffs.

"Okay, I will if I see him. After kicking him in the balls...and ringing you" Eb laughs.

"I'll drop ya home" Gerard smiles goofily.

"Okay...what does my dad look like again?" Ebony quizzes

"I'll show you a picture on the way...just please don't mention this incident to anyone. I don't want anyone to stop me from seeing you. I love you Ebony" Gerard grins.

"I love you too"


Ebony POV.

I wake up at 6am with blood on my pillow. The back of my head is bleeding, must be where I hit my head falling in Gerard's basement.

Ahhh, Gerard.

I get up and go to shower.

Gently, I wash the back of my head. Once out of the shower I check the wound. It doesn't seem to be too bad. I decide to put my glossy black hair into a messy bun at the back of my head to hide the injury whilst at school. Gerard is gonna drop me off. Warn off that Marilyn dude I reckon.

Anyway, I dress in my black denim shorts, black coloured black Sabbath rules of hell vest top and my knee high buckled demonia boots. I tie a red and black tartan shirt around my waste and pull on a pear of expensive looking black aviator shades. With one last inspection in the mirror, I decide to add some of my black matte lipstick then am satisfied with how I look.

BEEP BEEP (A/N dat car horn tho)

I open my black curtains making light stream into my gothic room.

Ew. Sun.

I see Gerard's gorgeous black McLaren P1 parked at the front of the house.

He knocks on the front door and I answer. He smiles down at me happily.

"Good morning" he grins wrapping his arms around my waist.

He swoops down, startling me slightly and kisses me passionately on the lips.

"Morning to you too!" I laugh resting my forehead against his.

"Let's go baby" he smiles holding a hand out to me.

"Yeah. Don't kiss me again you'll ruin my lipstick" I joke elbowing him playfully.

But there is a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that something that was not quite right with me and Gerard. Maybe bumping into this creepy Marilyn bloke might jog my memory with the emotions he might trigger.



But I just want to address something I haven't really made quite clear lol.

The character Gerard isn't based on Gerard Way. Butttt...I guess that you can picture the characters how you would like them to look so you can visualize Gerard as Gerard...if that makes any sense lmao.

Anyway thanks so much for reading!!!

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