Chapter 20: Now what have we learnt today?

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I walk right up to him and throw my arms around him.
"Well hello to you too" he smiles wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head .
"I don't like it when we fight " I state honestly looking him in the eyes . His gorgeous brown eyes .

"Neither do I " He smiles sadly. I sigh.

"Maybe we can attempt to make it through a reasonably normal day or is that just not possible for us?" I state with a semi-straight face to them all. I don't want to go over the issue Twiggy just told me about right now.

"Don't hold your breath is what I say" Twiggy chuckles.

We are interrupted from our conversation by the annoying school signifying the start of first lesson of the day. Which unfortunately turns out to be RE.

Marilyn's shoulders sag when he checks his schedule. 

"RE. Fuck. I don't think Mrs Bennett likes me much anymore after I pointed out the satanic bible is better in philosophical material than the Christian bible." Marilyn laughs.

I burst out in fits of laughter.

"No she didn't like it one bit. You better watch out. She'll charge at you with her nun friends armed with walking sticks and handbags." I joke

"I hope you weren't joking Ebony because she actually will, no joke. I'm sure I saw extra cars in the car park this morning" Ginger states, Marilyn shoves him to the side playfully then wraps his arm around my shoulder and I lean into his side.

"Ew its the Satanist couple" Blonde-haired Brittany Roberts grimaces as she walks past.

"Yeah we doing another ritual tonight guys? I really fancy drawing a baphomet on my bed room floor in pigs blood, lighting some black candles and chanting from my satanic spell book tonight. It's gonna be so much fun!" I squeal jumping in the air in mock excitement.

"Yeah!" Twiggy exclaims catching on with my joke. The others just look at me in confusion.

Brittany Roberts spins around at the speed of light and marches towards me angrily.

"You people make me sick. Stop worshiping the devil he's like well mean an its making you look well bad. And...and Ebony your actually like well pretty and I thought we were gonna be well good mates but you started hanging out with the fag in the dress and co which made you dead unpopular an satanic like. It's probably them who put a spell on you to hang out with them form their satanic book of shit yeah?" She pants at me, out of breath from her outburst.

I can't help myself. I disbelieving giggle escapes my mouth.

"First of all twat splat, I don't worship the devil. How can I worship something I don't believe in. I was being completely sarcastic. Secondly they don't believe in Satan either so your other point about black magic is completely void . We listen to a music genre which happens to have a name of the devils music because straight-laced nuns thought it was a bad influence on kids & teens because quite frankly we'd rather be at home making our listening to amazing music rather than sit next to smelly old ladies in a cold building being preached a load of made up bullshit. Nuns didn't like that. SO...what have we learnt today?" I smile at her taking a step forward out from under Marilyn's arm.

"We have learnt that not everyone who listens to rock is a Satanist . We have also learnt that Brittany is an immature little shite who needs to educate herself before making false accusations. Now fuck off before I put a curse on you" I shout wiggling my fingers at her.

She squeals, wheels around and disappears inside.


I am in fits of laughter as well as everyone else.


"I take back what I said two seconds ago about having a normal day" I roll my eyes.

"Anyway everyone buckle up for another debate between Marilyn and Mrs Bennett!" I announce gleefully as I lead our group of friends into the RE block and into our classroom.

**the lesson is in the next chapter!**

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