Chapter 25: what did you do

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We park up in a space at the front of the school.
I was just about to open the door when Gerard grabs my wrist and crushes me to him.
"Remember what I said" he sighs kissing my hair.
"Of course " i smile
"Be safe" he commands releasing me .
"Aye aye Captain" I salute him and he chuckles .

I clamber out and pick up my new phone. My old one broke when I fell over, Gerard told me so. He bought me a new better one .

On the plus side creepy Marilyn dude won't have my number...SHIT.

Shit shit shit . Okay ebony stay calm . Look confident . Maybe he won't notice you, yeah see just dodge them.
He's seen me . Creepy stalker Marilyn guy.
Okay, okay.
Deep breaths.

I push my sunglasses further up my nose and pocket my phone .

He's stood infront of me .
"Why didn't you reply to me"
"Don't play dumb, eb "
Eb? Eb? EB?! That's Gerard's nickname for me and Gerard only . He has no right to call me that . It's time I put the fucker in his place.

"What the hell gives you the right to call me Eb. You are just some lowlife stalker guy who pervs on me . Just leave me and Gerard alone. I have never loved you and will never love you" I screech .

He looks like he is in physical pain.

"Gerard ?" He whispers, seeming unable to say anything above that volume.
"Yes! Gerard...MY BOYFRIEND" I scream walking past him .
He grabs my arm and I whirl around and smack him.
"Eb...ebony what's happened ? What did he do to you " he murmurs shocked .

I ignore him and ring Gerard . When he answers I don't say anything, just put the phone back in my pocket. Gerard will still be able to hear us.

"Look, Marilyn, just fuck off" by now a few of his friends have gathered to spectate. Including the one with dreds in a pea green and cream dress.

They all look ill.

I can hear Gerard cussing on the other end of the phone as he realised what was happening .

"No..Ebony we are in love. I love you, ebony !" He shouts panicking .
"No, no we aren't" I laugh in disbelief .
What the hell is going on in his head! He is taking this extremely seriously ! Not breaking his act at all.
Gotta hand it to him, dude deserves an Oscar .

With the scent of burning tires and the screech of brakes, my rescuer had arrived .

Gerard climbs out of the Maclaren I was in just a few moments ago and marches over to me .
He wraps a protective arm around me, which I am grateful for as I lean into his side.

"What did you do to her ? WHAT DID YOU DO YOU SON OF A BITCH" Marilyn screams full of a poisonous anger I had never imagined possible.
It's kinda hot.
He flies at Gerard who removes his arm from my shoulder briefly to punch Marilyn in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him back .

"Was nice talking to you Marilyn" Gerard teases.

"Come on Eb you aren't staying here"

I look back as I walk off . Marilyn is still on the ground. The guy in the dress is kneeling next to him, consoling him? Shit Marilyn is crying? I feel really bad now .
We took it too far.
But I stay silent.

He better fix this or I will rearrange his face !!!!

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