Ch 1....the move 5 yrs ago..

962 43 2

Emily's pov 10 years old....

I had just finished my chores it took a little while longer to complete them because of my beating earlier.I accidently dropped the plate of my uncle's dinner. I had to kneel on the broken plate while he was pacing rambling about how much of an "ungrateful child I am" whatever that means.
He left a few hours ago and I was enjoying the peace and serenity.I flinched when I heard the door slam."Sang!",I heard jack scream.He sounded really angry.I could picture the steam coming out of his ears,like on the cartoons.I only watched cartoons a few rimes,but that was years ago and it was the one with the cat and mouse.I must of zoned out because the next thing I know,jack is gripping my arm,way harder than necessary and throwing me in his gray,beat up dodge truck.We drove a long way away from the house.I would never consider that place a home.I tried to ask where we were going,but I shut up after he back-handed me.Suddenly we came to a nice looking neighborhood named,"Sunnyvale Court".Jack explained this was my new 'home' and that was the day that looks can be deceiving....

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