The not so thought out plan

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Sang and the boys were getting ready for a interrogation,they had a lead given by Marie that Emily has only one human friend his name is Alex and he is the antique shops son.The antique shop is a cover, underneath it is where they train people.Sang walked in the old shop and immediately spotted Alex and walked towards him and asked very calmly,"Have you heard from Emily?"
His head snaps up and studies the people in front of him.He replies nonchalantly,"Probably in her hideout.."Owen pipes in,"Where is this 'hideout' exactly"Alex looks at him and says,"I'll take you.."he was going to continue,but North interrupted by growling out,"That's okay,but we'll find it."Alex smirks and says,"Trust me you wont,Emily is smart and will see you all coming.She probably knows already since she saw Marie rushing about."Silence that's all that's heard
Luke breaks it by asking,"How would you know?"
Alex smirked and said rather smugly,"Because(he drawed)I'm her best friend."The boys stare at him.Sang giggles and says come on guys we've got a girl to save."Gabe scoffs and says,"No we have a mini Trouble to save!"As he skips out the door.The boys,including Owen,laugh and follow.Everyone gets in the car and Sang asks,"Where to Alex?"Alex responds,"to the gas station."Sang glances at him with narrowed eyes daring him to try to lie.Alex rubs his neck and looks down sheepishly and replies,"I have to buy Emily something so she'll forgive me for this."Luke seems to come out of his trans,"Emily's hideout is at the gas station!"North reaches over and slaps him in the back of the head.

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