I put the fun in dysfunctional

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................. Emily's p.o.v.....................
I slowly knocked on the door to the orphanage.I heard footsteps coming to the door,they put more pressure on the left foot than the right,indicting they have a limp.I smiled a little known exactly who is coming to answer the door.
Just then the door is thrown open revealing Mrs.Mary in all her sweet old lady glory standing there smiling when she sees me.Big old robe and her white hair in a bun.
"Hi sweetheart"
I smiled she is truly amazing.
She accepts you for you and never doubts your choices but gives you her input on the matter.
I called her that ever since I was little she always tried to get me to live with her in the orphanage but I just couldn't do it.I would have to give  up my freedom and independence and I would never do that,but it looks like I have a very slim crack of a chance at freedom and independence now.
10 amazingly awesome weird loving overprotective people stand in my way.I don't know how to feel yet. I guess we'll find out later huh?

"What brings you here , so late at night?"
I smiled a little. Her eyes widen and she panics a little,
"Are you hurt? Are you hungry, sleepy,sad?"
I grinned knowing she truly cares.
"No,Mrs.Mary I'm here to take Ana."
I smiled again in reassurance.
"She's asleep right now.", says Mrs. Mary worriedly.
"I know,but it's supposed to be a surprise so we can celebrate our family finally being complete after all these years."I smile a little, it wavering slightly towards the end.
Mrs.Mary smiles and goes upstairs to collect her.
I sigh and text Jessica to see where she's at.

Hey Jess,Im picking up Ana now meet me at the clocks?
-<3 Em

Hey,Okay I'm checking out now.See you soon;)

I sighed as I took Ana from Mrs.Mary and hugged her tightly.I knew this had to be done my eyes teared up as I almost spilled everything on this old porch where I basically lived over the summer.Spilled it all to the women who was there for me and accepted me as her own,even when I stole food out of her kitchen and let this place become my home away from home.

I smiled shakily and laughed a little and said,
"Goodbye mom"
With that I was gone into the night.
Clocks see that was a code word for the old antiques shop about 1mile away from the airport.I was to take Ana to the bus stop and meet Jess there.Jessica would carry there I suitcase of luggage and Ana down the road exactly 1 mile to the airport,while I got into the rental car and drove through town to put up the act in case any tails were lurking about.Then,i would drive the car to the empty parking lot of the rental car place with the keys inside.

I lightly shook Ana awake as we waited for the bus.
She groggily opened her beautiful eyes,
"Sissy!!!!!",she exclaimed hugging me even tighter.
"Hey baby girl,Listen okay? you and Jess are going on a trip for a while okay?"
She looked excited and said,
"Ohhh uncle Tyler and brother Alex can teach me to swim. And me you and Jess can get ice cream and frozen lemonade!"She laughed her eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas.
I sighed and said,
"Sweetie we can't..."I trailed off unsure of how to say that I may never see her again.
She scrunched up her nose in a adorable frown and said,
"You don't have to get frozen lemonade Sissy"
I looked at her and hugged her tighter to me and said,
"Just you and Jess are going on this trip.We can't go."
She looked sad and said,
"Will your new momma and daddies not let you go?
The tears I've been holding back came back to surface,but I blinked them away and nodded my head and said,
"I got grounded."
"Oh" was her only response.

We got on the bus and it was deemed with her telling me what she done in 1st grade that week.As the bus came to a stop and I slowly carried Ana to Jessica's waiting form.I put her on her feet and said,
"Goodbye baby girl I'll miss you."
Ana had tears now streaming down her face.
"Sissy!"She cried throwing her little arms around my neck.I squeezed her tightly to my chest.I looked at Jess and saw in her eyes it was time to go.
No not to go to let go of them for the better,but what they didn't understand was that they are the only ones that keep me grounded the only ones I can truly trust and where I am always home
Home is where the heart is and I have divided between them they are the closest things to family I have.they are my lighthouse that leads me home from the  dark sea we call life.
Loosing them will break me BEYOND repair.

"I love you Ana."
I feel her tears hit my arms.Her arms hugging tighter.

"To the moon and back?"
She questions.

"To all the stars and galaxies."
I answer as I put her in Jessica's arms
I hug Jessica tightly and whisper to Jessica,

"Keep you and her safe."
She smiles at me sadly.

"I love you Emily."
She states.i smile a little.

I question like a kid I can't help it.It hurts to know I may never see her again.

She responds,hugging me a little tighter and picking up the handle of their one suitcase and walking down the road.

"Text me when your on the plane don't forget to destroy you phone.You got your new IDs and stuff right?Stay strong."

She looks back at me over her shoulder the sadness in her eyes making the tears run down my face faster and does a girl scout salute where you kiss you hand then do a peace sign,Which I copy.

She knows that this might be the last time I see her.


wordlessly get in the Jeep and drive away from the lights that guide me home and watch as they fade into darkness.

I make it to the rental lot parking the Jeep into a empty close space putting the keys in the passenger side compartment.Then,i leave a note telling them where the keys are and exactly where the Jeep is parked along with 40 dollars for the trouble.
(Play song now)
I slowly walk down this empty road.All alone.

Little did I know I'm being tracked down by my own back up team.
What witchery Is this?
The betrayal......

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