The Escapade

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Emily's pov....
I had to run right?
It was my only choice.
As soon as Owen got the attention of the other boys,I bolted through Sean and around Owen,up the stairs to the last room I saw and slammed the door and locked it.
I glanced around the room,it looked like a guest room,dark blue sheets and white curtains.
I sighed as I heard chaos break out downstairs.
I couldn't do this.
I don't want to leave but I need to.
Sadly the demons in my head are way crueler then the ones I faced in person.
What if they find out?
I can't let that happen
They'll think I'm crazy,but Gabe understood right?
AHHHHHHHH my thoughts are giving me a HEADACHE.
Suddenly,it got quiet.
Too quiet.

3rd pov.
Owen and Sean watched as chaos broke out between the teams.
He made eye contact with Axel and conveyed one single message...
'We don't require anymore assistance today,thank you for today tho'
With that thought Axel called his team to order and they left after saying goodbye.
Sang shakily stood up and blinked at Owen.
Owen looked down at her and said,
"Darling why don't you take the boys out to get ice cream and see a movie?"
Sang blinked at him in surprise.
And searched his eyes.
'We will take care of it.Emily doesn't need 9 father's for this.She will become overwhelmed.
Sang nodded and the boys trudged out of the house leaving the two oldest alone with a teenage emotional trouble-magnet girl.Who they care a lot about already.

Emily's pov....
I slid my back down the wall,oh let me catch you up,I'm in the closet against the wall with my knees pulled up to my chest.
Why? Why did they have to come into my life now?

I wasn't stupid,I knew who would be coming to talk to me,Owen and Sean,the two oldest and more calm.
They wouldn't let Sang come with them,because the other boys would obviously refuse to leave.
I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Pumpkin?",Sean called
I didn't answer.
Owen sighed.
This house was huge,I mean it had to be right?To house 10 people.
"How are we gonna find her?"
Questioned Sean.
Owen I imagine was smirking,because he laughed.
Sean didn't understand.i could tell.
Owen made a shhhhhhh noise like that song the wheels on the bus?
Okay I have been alone most of my life leave me alone.Here I am talking to myself....Again

The house became eerily quiet,but then my phone started blaring AC/DC's back in black.(play video now)
I cursed myself under my breath and quickly shut it off.
But apparently not quick enough.

Sean's laughter echoed off the walls although it sounded closer to my door.
They didn't bother to knock, already knowing I wouldn't let them in.
I kept quiet in the closet with the door cracked and light off.
I wasn't worried yet I had turned the bathroom light on and locked the door and shut myself out.

But it wouldn't hold them off my trail for long.

The door opened and Sean groaned when he saw the bathroom closed.
Sean was grumbling about how much he hated doors and how he couldn't pick locks at all.

What scared me tho was Owen wasn't looking at the bathroom he was surveying the room.I held my breath,
Maybe he just hadn't been in here in a long time?
My demons snorted in my head.
Yeah.....Me neither
Sean glanced at Owen,"Aren't you going to help me?"
Owen shook his head.
Sean was about to complain but Was cut off by a bang coming from no where other than.....Dramatic music que.......The closet!!!Why ladies and gentlemen? Because I am the biggest nerd/fuck up ever....In history..
I was in the closet minding my own business when bam I see something out of the corner of my eye, something that I would willingly jump off a cliff for and get caught.
That was no other then a............
BOOK yep that's what I blew my cover for a book,not just any book,
A Harry Potter favorite.

The door to the closet was opened and the light was flicked on.
Sean bursted out into hysterics and Owen grinned knowingly down at me.
See when I grabbed the book,my precious baby,the whole stack fell so now I'm under a huge stack of books,like a book cave.
I honestly don't mind it at all
Owen bent down and took the books off of me and Sean finally helped after he laughed for a whole 4 minutes.
I stood up on shaky feet and said,
"Thanks,I'm can leave now and perceaded to try to slam the door shut.key word try....

Owen caught the door with his foot and Sean perceaded to grab my hand and pull me out and into his arms.
I struggled, but I knew it was no use .
If they needed it they could call in 8 more people to help them.

I sighed and relaxed in his arms.
He smiled.
"Now pumpkin how bout you tell me and owie-poo over there what happened?"
I lightly shook my head.
Owen kneeled in front of me as Sean pulled me to sit beside him on the bed.
"Now Emily, how about I ask you some questions?"
I stupidly agreed, I forgot who he was and that he was good at getting info out of people.
Favorite color?
Easy enough I thought
Favorite food?
"White tiger"
Sean grinned,"what?",I asked confused.
"It's just unique"
Favorite season?
"What happened to make you leave?"
I didn't catch myself it was too late..
"Jessica and Ana were in danger and I had to send them away."
Why by who?
"Because someone in our family betrayed us and I don't know which boy it is, Tyler,or Alex, and I had to send them away so they wouldn't get hurt."
I said this in one breath.
"You wanted to go with them?" Owen calmly asked me.
Why can't I stop myself?
Why? He asked.
"Because they are my family and I love them!!!!" I was yelling at the end.
Owen and Sean looked at me in pity.
"You can't go with them."Owen stated
Softly, but firmly.
I was so tired,and utterly exhausted.i can't sleep. I won't.
"Because pumpkin you need to stay with us and it is dangerous."Sean stated, while gently moving me into a lying position.
"But they are all I have"
Owen shook his head
,"You have is now little one."
"But" I protested weakly
"Shhh Pumpkin sleep."
I could feel my body giving up on me.
No I won't no.
Owen got the light switch and they both laid down on either side of me.
I tried to sit up, but Owen pulled me back down.
Sean played with my hair and Owen stated humming.
My resolve quickly faded and my fight left my body.
I barely realized that 7 more people all managed to squeeze into bed with us.
I was still fighting sleep even though it was hopeless
I felt Sang kiss my forehead and whisper,"Goodnight"

I don't remember anything after that except for

My world quickly becoming black.

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