5 years later

818 44 1

Emily had just finished her daily chore of cleaning the kitchen,when the door bell rung.Emily quickly went to open it,completely forgetting her new 'moms' rule of not talking to strangers.Emily smiled and accepted the mail from the delivery man.She turned around and shut the door,only to be met by her 'mothers' icy glare.Emily flinched just before her mother grabbed her roughly right at her bicep and dragged her to the kitchen.Emily silently prayed that her punishment wouldn't be too bad.She kneeled on rice and watched her mom pace angrily around the kitchen before she said something she knew she would regret,"what happened to Sang?"In a flash her mother was in front of her,she felt a sharp pain on her stomach.Emily bit her lip to keep from screaming out in pain.Emily lost track of how long she laid there blow after blow.It was 4 am before she finally pulled herself up.Emily decoded that she needed to get out of the house for fresh air.She didn't know where she was going just that she needed to get away.So she listened for any noise in the house and found nothing so she quickly,but quietly slipped out the door.The early morning air felt good against her battered skin.She decided to go to her regular hang out,which was at the base of a really old willow tree in a BEUTIFUL clearing.She liked to go there and draw and observe the animals.She knew it sounded stupid,but she trusted animals and nature more than people because animals don't judge you on how you look actions mean more and they love you unconditionally no matter what.She was drawing the stream that ran through the meadow when a family of deer showed up a fawn,doe and a buck.She couldn't stop herself from thinking a sad,but true thought.'The buck is the protector  of the group.She noted as it positioned itself in-between her and his family.The doe takes care of the fawn like a real mother should.She couldn't help herself as. She let out a dry chuckle at her next thought which was,"Those deer act more like a family than most humans".She hadn't realized how tired she was until it was too late and darkness overcame her.

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