The talk

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The boys looked at each other worried when she made no move to breath.
Emilys pov
They all looked at each other and my demons spoke,'there plotting what to do first'
I took a shaky breath studying them and their eyes,they had concern and worry etched on their faces.
'There worried Sang will find out not about you' they laughed.
I shook my head.Kota gently put a hand on my leg and I flinched.My demons laughed.Kota looked hurt and the rest of the boys looked confused.Gabe suddenly spoke up,
"Mini trouble,why did you shake your head we didn't ask you a question yet?"My eyes snapped to his,My demons cruelty laughed saying they sure as heck wouldn't care about a freak like me. I shook my head again putting my hands over my ears trying to stop the tears.Gabe gasped.
The other boys tried to touch me and I flinched harder.I stood up and North reached out for me but Sean said let me go.I went to the corner of the room and sunk down so I was curled up knees to my chest and i buried my head in my knees.Gabe slowly walked toward me and crouched down right in front of me,I tensed."Hey Emily,listen to me....."My eyes blurred but eventually focused on Gabe.He smiled and said,"That's it!" And then he reached out a hand and I flinched a little he ignored it and grabbed my hand and squeezed.
"Now why don't you tell me what those voices have been saying to you?"
Kota looked confused and asked,
"Gabe what are you talking about"
He ignored them still starring at me.
I slowly looked up my blue eyes clashing with his.He nodded.
"Th-The-They sa-sai-said tha that you you..."I stopped burying my head and my knees. Gabe squeezed my hand and asked,
"Owen will you carry her to the couch I'm afraid I'll drop her."Suddenly I got scooped up in Owens arms 'talk about some deja vu',i thought.He lightly placed me on the couch again.North and Silias were standing against the wall having a hushed conversation in Greek.Luke and Nathan sat on the floor right below me.Sean and Owen sat back on the bench and scooted it a little closer to me.Kota sat beside me  and Gabe picked me up plopping me down on his lap,completely ignoring my flinches he took my other hand,as Kota held the other .He lightly squeezed my hand and said,
"Go on sweetie,I promise we won't be mad at you it isn't your thought."
I shook,my demons smirked and said,
Yes tell them so we could get this party started.
I shook my head lightly.I tried again,
"They said you would hurt me just like the others... That you wouldn't help a freak like me me"
The boys gasped and I closed my eyes tightly.
Gabe squeezed again and said,
"Listen to me mini trouble,Those voices your hearing aren't real they can't hurt you,Your fighting yourself not demons just yourself and I swear we'll help you"
I nodded and he smiled and said now,
"Focus on us, push those thoughts out and lock the door."I opened my eyes slowly and blinked at Gabe,
"How di-did y-you do-do that?
He smirked and said
I laughed slightly.H e smiled before handing me to Kota and sitting in the floor with the other , North and Silias joined them on the floor.
Owen glanced at me and says,
"Please explain"
I look at him and hide my smirk as I say,
"Explain what?"
Owen looks at me  with amusement while Sean asks,
"I don't know maybe Why are firetrucks red?"
"Oh that's easy it's because they have eight wheels and four people on them, and four plus eight makes twelve, and there are twelve inches in a foot, and one foot is a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was a ruler, and Queen Elizabeth was also a ship, and the ship sailed the seas, and there were fish in the seas, and fish have fins, and the Finns fought the Russians, and the Russians are red, and fire trucks are always “Russian" around, so that's why fire trucks are red!"I was basically yelling at the end because I got excited. The boys just stared at me trying to comprehend they responded something like this...

Owen-Full blown smile
Sean- Stares at me flabbergasted
Silias-is chuckling quietly
North-is laughing so hard is shoulders are shaking
Gabe and Luke-are doubled over laughing
Nathan-is smiling
Victor- is silent trying to process what I said.
Kota oh poor Kota is trying to figure out and process everything.
After the laughter stopped.
Owen glanced at me.i sighed heavily and asked with dread,
"What do you want to know first?"
The boys looked at each other.
"Why don't you eat?"
I sighed.
"I grew up in the foster system..."
I was interrupted by Luke asking,
"How did you get there?"
"I'll start from the very beginning,Its a long story get comfortable."I waited till they were comfortable before starting............(Her explanation is in the ntn font)
"My parents died in a car accident when I was 4 years old,so I lived with my aunt and uncle.They were great,I loved them.Then my aunt got sick and we found out she had cancer.Me being only 4 I didn't know what was happening.She died when I was 5.My uncle ignored me at first but then he tried to be a good uncle but quickly fell into depression and  forgot he had a 5 year old to look after.I learned quickly that I had to do things by myself cook if I was hungry and if we didn't have food I would rummage through trashcans,I started cleaning the house as best as I could.and I tried to care for my uncle too.When I turned 7, and got beat  by a lady with a rolling pin cause I dug through her trash, I realized that I couldn't keep digging in the trash so I went to the library and done research and found the fine art of pickpocketing I only got caught like twice and once was a lady and she was nice and realized I was probably homeless and gave me a little money just 5 dollars but it meant the world to me.The other time I got caught by David.David was a homeless man in his late 50's and he taught me the rules of the street which were
1.You have nobody but yourself to help ya
2.Avoid cops at all costs
3.Never get caught
4Always be able to defend yourself in a fight
5.Do not walk into a fight unless you know what your fighting for.
He became a 2nd father to me and taught me how to scale buildings,hide quick without getting found,pick locks,the trade and how to gamble with deals and money and win, self defence and best of all he taught me how to stick up for what I believe in and never give in except if it's for the right reasons and never EVER break a promise because everything is built on promises.
Anyways,when I was 8 my uncle magically remembered he had a niece and blamed me for the death of my aunt.He started making me clean and cook all hours of the night and then wake me up at 6 am and make me cook and clean until about 2 am and then Send me to my room without supper.
I would then sneak out onto the streets and David would work with me on my skills.At age 9,i started working on my street fighting.I made at least 300 dollars a night,but in return I got about 1 hour of sleep,between all the chores and errands for my uncle,practicing my skills,training and fighting.My uncle left scars all over,my body was his canvas there is only a few bits of skin still blank.At age 10 my uncle lost a bet to a men named Mark Sorenson he couldn't afford it,so my uncle offered me instead.He gladly accepted and I was brought to a new house and Ms.Sorenson was the new artist.It started with chores then the punishments started.One day I overheard Sangs name and asked what happened to her.She would flash me a sinister smile and then I was 'punished' either by having my elbows tied together and forced to sit in the shower,my mouth duck taped or either freezing cold water or boiling water pelted me in the face or down my back for hours,or I would get starved with no supper and sometimes she would make me clean non stop and not let me sleep.More times then many I was 'punished' by getting cut,drowned or whipped.
Everytime I'd ask why she'd whisper,
"YOU are Sang's Prodigy",
Some boys had tears others were fuming.I smiled at them softly.
Before continuing......
I met my friends along the way you know that story.They helped me through it.I owe them my life.Anyway
I snuck out of the house every second I could and go under the radar to street fight that's how I earned the money for Tyler's and Jessica's house.I met a little girl on the streets late at night she lived in the orphanage and her name was Ana I loved her like a sister the first time I saw her.I knew she was the missing link to our makeshift family,so as soon as Jessica turned 18 I had her adopt Ana and we were in separable ever since..My life was the same everyway
Take a beating
Then 10 people just came crashing in missing up my schedule and my freedom,but it's nice to know that they care at least for now,but yeah I don't like to sleep due to nightmares.
Owen stared at me and suddenly I was pulled into his embrace as Sean wiped the tears that had fallen.Sean smiled,but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Pumpkin I promise we'll love you for eternity."
My eyes about popped out of their sockets as I realized he was dead serious all of them were.Sudddenly,Sang walked in and as soon as she laid eyes on me.She dropped everything and immediately pulled me out of Owens arms and tugged me until I was sitting beside her on the couch and in her embrace.
The boys quickly caught her up.She looked at me and wiped my tears and kissed my head and quietly whispered,
"May we see,i swear I just want to make sure your okay?"
I shakily nodded.
She slowly helped me raise my shirt above my head and then I took off my pants shaking.(She has on a tank top and shorts underneath) They gasped and Sang petted my hair as all my energy faded.She wiped my tears and looked at me straight in my eyes blue crashing with green and said with so much hope and truthfulness that I had to believe her,
"I Love You"
"Forever?"I questioned like a little kid I couldn't help it.
"Always"she instantly responded.
"To the moon and back?"
She smiled and kissed my head as Kota laid me down flat on the couch.
"To all the stars and galaxies."I smiled a real smile for the first time in a long time.As the darkness consumed me,my last though was,
'They will be great parents.'

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