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A few hours after the boys put her to bed,Emily was sleeping peacefully dreaming of unicorns,puppies and kittens trying to jump gracefully to far away objects.Suddenly her breathing became raged.
She was sitting in the clearing laughing and watching Anna play with Prince.(She is 7,Emily is 9).Emily loved Anna with everything she had she was her little sister and no one could tell her otherwise.Emily noticed the sun coming down and realized that her uncle would want them back soon.(Anna's dad is Emily's uncle's best friend).She took Anna's hand and started to lead her back towards the house.Emily kept her satchel close to her and clutches it tightly.Emily hoped her uncle wouldn't get to mad at her,she burrowed some of her uncle's supplies to help the animals she saw and feed them and so she and Anna could make new friends. You see,They don't go to school so they only have each other and the animals in the forest as friends plus Prince of course.Emily looked at her friend and watched as she stared at the ground a scared expression on her face.Emily stopped them as they neared the house.She stared right in Anna's eyes and said,"Anna,Ill protect you.I won't let them separate us.You didn't do anything at all all my fault so I take blame okay?"Anna smiled slightly and said quietly,"Okay"Emily looked at her again and made her promise to escape as soon as possible and when she got the opportunity and to not worry about her.Anna sighed,"I promise"Emily smiles and nods,"Sisters together?"Anna's smile grew,"Always and Forever"Emily smiled a little,but still wanted to make her laugh,so she got a dead serious expression on her face and turned to Anna and asked seriously,"What Team?"Anna laughed and said,"WILDCATS"They watched HSM for free at some event when their guardians were at the bar.They grew worried when they reached the house their laughter ceased.They were standing on the front porch giving them both  grins (Emilys breathing sped up in her sleep).Her uncle roughly lifted her up by her arm and dragged her in the house.Emily screams out,"STOP DONT HURT HER IT WAS ME I STOLE YOUR STUFF SHE DIDNT KNOW."Sam her friends dad turned his rage on her.She laid their motionless not making a sound knowing she would rather get it then Anna.Her uncle dragged her upstairs and threw her at the opposite wall.The last thing she heard before the darkness consumed her was Anna's cries and her uncle whispering,"Sleep well Emily You'll never see her again.And his sinful laughter filling her ears.
Emily jolted awake,covered in sweat tears posting down her face.She hadn't had that one in a while.She knew not to go back to sleep for in there you have no control of your nightmares and what happens in them at least out here she has control of how much effects her.She sighs and stands up stretches and looks outside.Her reflection looks like a ghost,s sunken in eyes due to lack of sleep,swollen and red from crying.Her hair looks like her friends pip and Mary were living in her hair,(Her 2 squirrels).She silently creeps toward her window and silently slides it open she's perfected sneaking out over they years living in that hell hole does that to ya.Emily sighs as she feels the cold air bite at her skin.It was cold out and she probably could get seriously sick out here in just a tank top and shorts but at the moment she couldn't care less.She sat down on the roof and ate a pack of gummy bears that she got from Alex.Alex she sighs she missed him more than anything and like they always do her thoughts started to wonder she missed Jess and Tyler too.She missed them all.Hot fresh tears ran down her face.She broke a promise and she paid the price.She can't help but blame herself for Anna,For Alex,Jess,and Tyler wanting to leave her.Her parents.There must be something wrong with her..there has to be.Emily silently watched as the sun rose across the horizon.
She listened as the wind sing...
Little bird with a broken wing
Can't seem to fly,she won't even trust her wings to carry her.So she's stuck in the free fall just trying to control it all but she's just stuck in the free fall.

She popped a red gummy bear in her mouth and sighed and said,"I wonder when the light will come back and light up all the darkness that surrounds me."

Sangs Prodigy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora