The very well thought out plan......or not

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Kaylee and her husbands were shocked. Kaylee looked at her and was about to push her for more info, but was interupted by the ringing of a cellphone.
Jess picked up on her nervous tone.
J-Are you alone?
E-No not really..
J-Can you escape?
Emily quickly glanced around the room acting nonchalant.
E-Maybe not but it'll be fun! Give it a try!
Emily said with fake cheerfulness
J-Can me after? If you make it, or Awesomely fail?
J-and always
  The line cut off. Kaylee and her husbands watch the girl carefully.
She smirks and bolts to the front door. Marc and Brandon try to stop her, but she flips them.Axel doesn't move from his seat, eyes transfixed on his niece who would be perfect for the Academy.
.................Emily's pov................
  I tried to act nonchalant on the phone, but Academy members are Always on high alert.How do I know about the Academy? That's a secret to spill another time.
I bolt for the door, To fast for Raven or Corey to react. Brandon and Marc make a grab for me, but I skillfully dodge it.I pull the front door open fast and run into a hard chest.....
'oh crap'
'of course this would happen to me'
'have you ever had one of those moments when you think your in the clear and problem free and then boom like 7 other problems pop up? That's my life everyday. Never failing
Stupid Academy training

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