Part 2

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"It's along story..."Marie said.Sang looked at her boys and they nodded,so Sang invited her sister in.There was in awkward silence,you could cut the tension with a knife.Owen looked at Marie and said wearily,"you may continue."Marie took in a shaky breath,tears brimming in her eyes as she started to tell the dreaded story that haunted her every day."Sang,im sorry I don't know how it happened,but our 'mother' got her hands on another girl..."Sang gasped and the house was completely silent and then Sang answered hesitantly,"W-what d-do you mean?"Marie sighed and gave Sang an exasperated look and said,"I don't know how Sang,but dad brought home a young girl about 10,her name is Emily and she is sassy,she fought back at first,but her punishments got harsher she's died at least 3 times,i managed to save her Everytime..."She would have continued,but a enraged North cut her off,"Why didn't you do something?Why didn't you contact us sooner?"Owen cut in "North Calm down!"North angrily flopped down in a chair huffing and puffing.Marie's tears finally spilled over and barely got out the words,"I tried dad said no one would believe me and that if I told he would send her somewhere else as a slave and I couldn't handle that,i would rather keep her where I could watch over her,ease help me get her out of there,shes just a little girl about around your age back then,..."Luke looks at her questionably and asks"wait,around sangs age I thought you said she was 10?"Marie shakily nods and says,"She was when she first got there.."Marie trails off.Victor jumps in the conversation,"How long exactly has she been there?"The ten of them watch Marie in anticipation.Marie whispers,"five years"

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