Stubborn Emily vs Sang and the boys

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The night slowly came to a close as the boys sat down on the blanket with their wife as they watch their daughter run around and play with Prince."It's getting late....." started Silias.The boys grumbled in response.Sang sighed and watched as Emily got tackled by Prince and squealed with happiness."I've never seen her"Sang couldn't find the right word to describe her daughter at this very moment.
"Unguarded"suggested Silias.
"Happy"replied Victor.
"Spirited"replied Kota.
"Laughable"suggested Luke.
"Less Troubling"guessed Gabe.
"Wild"suggested Nathan.
"Careless"grumbled North.
"Like me?"questioned Sean with a grin.
Owen watched his usually rigid,guarded and usually looked like she had the weight on her shoulders laugh and smile.The word finally clicked."Free"
Sang smiled and nodded."When she's with us she's like a bird in a cage but out here she flies."The boys smile but suddenly Luke and busts out laughing they look at him in confusion.Luke smiles and says,"More like tries to fly at the moment."They look toward there daughter and watch as her pace  slowed and her facial expression  looks like she's about to pass out on the spot.They chuckle lightly."Well we better get her home we don't want mini trouble to sleep on the forest floor."reasons Gabe.They agree.Sang doesn't get up as the boys stand they look at her quizzically.She smiles and says,"Have you met Emily she's not gonna come home easily."Sang smiles stands up kisses all the boys on there cheek and says,"good luck see ya at home."Before they could protests Sang's already gone.Owen looks at the boys and they nod.They slowly approach Emily.Owen called her," it's time to go home."Emily snapped her head in their direction."Okay,have a nice day bye.."Nathan looked at her,"To be clear Emily that means you are coming home."Emily looked at him."What do you mean?I'm already home."Nathan sighed.Gabe and Luke laughed and said,"You just got sassed."Owen commanded,"Boys go heat the car up and pack up."They all basically ran all the way tot he car.That left Owen and Sean to persuade their daughter.Emily looked at them wearily.Owen raised an eyebrow as slowly backed up.Sean grinned and said,"Don't Even try it pumpkin.You can't run in your state anyway."Emily frowned and looked at him and said,"What do you mean?"Sean grinned and said,"Your really tired pumpkin.You look like your about to pass out."Emily looked at him and shook her head while swaying on her feet.Owen look at her amused and stepped toward her and easily picked the young girl up in his arms.Emily looked at him and groggily said,"I'm not even t-"She tried to protest but got cut off by a yawn.(you may be thinking shes 15 it's like 9:00 how come shes so tired?She doesn't sleep because of nightmares.)Sean chuckles along with Owen.They walk to the car with a still protesting Emily.Sean opens the car door for Owen who passes Emily to Silias who passes her to Nathan who's sits in between North and Silias.Emily sits up and is struggling to stay awake.Nathan laughs a little at his daughter who is putting up a strong fight against sleep.Sean glance back at her.Kota looks at her from the backseat and coos,"Emily sweetie sleep....your okay.....your safe sleep."Emily shakes her head.Sean frowns and shares a look with Owen.,It's not healthy for her not to sleep."Owen nods in agreement then says,"Nathan lay her down so her head is on Silias and  her legs on North."Nathan lays her down as told.Emily tries to get up,but Silias just lays her back down gently.Owen looks at her struggling to get up.Sean sighs and says pass her to me.Nathan nods and passes her up to the passenger seat.Sean holds her bridal style  on his lap and looks at Owen.He stops at a red light and always her hair and says,"Emily you have to sleep.Its not healthy."Emily shakes her head.Sean and Owen do the eye communication thing.Sean cradles the young girl to his chest.Owen put in Victor's lullaby he wrote.Emily breathing slows and her protests become weaker until her breathing completely evens out.A collective sigh goes around the car.Kota breaks the silence,"I wonder why she does this?"Luke answered by saying,"It's probably because she still wanted to play with Prince"Victor shakes his head,"Yes but she didn't protests about leaving just that she wasn't tired."Nathan nods in agreement."We'll find out later on"states Owen.Sean grins and says,"You mean were going to interrogate her again when she wakes up tomorrow right?"Owen give his millimeter smile and the boys chuckle quietly.

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