Chapter One: Gotham University

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Helena's POV
This was it. Damian and I were going to Gotham University and I was so excited!

{Damian's POV}
I observed the building. Then I looked at Helena.
"Why are so happy?" I ask.
"Well it's our first day of college, you're not excited?" I shake my head and she rolls her eyes at me.
"Well anyway, we should find our wings for the dorms." She says looking down at a paper that the administration office gave us with our class schedules. I took out mine. Helena had room 204 in the B wing and I had room 108 in A wing. We wouldn't see each other of course only outside but I was find with that. I wouldn't have to hear her talk. She was so loud at Wayne Manor. I sort of got use to it but not really.
"Why are we separated?"
"What do you mean?" Helena asked.
"You know why can't boys and girls be in the same wing?" I ask her.
"Well for one thing, we have different *ahem* body parts." She says blinking at me.
"Oh," I then glare at her, "you're disgusting!!!"
"Well you asked!" She says with a tiny smile and a laugh.
We both went our separate ways to find our dorms.

Helena's POV
I got to my form and open my door.
"Hello?" I say coming in. A girl was in there and she just stared at me.
"Hi." She says giving me a look and... I think a body check. Why do people have to give those they're just insulting! She had brown curly hair, some jeans, a red top, some shoes and was reading a comic book.
"Hi. I'm um Helena Wayne. Your new roommate."
"Oh. Your father is that guy who dates all those women riight?" The girl says in a bored tone, drawing out her words and raising an eyebrow.
"Weell annyway I'm Gretta Hart." She sorta terrified me. I decided to just unpack and not make eye contact.

{Damian's POV}
I came into my room to find no one in it. I guess I have a room to myself? I then heard someone opening my door.
"Yo. I'm your roommate Brax." The kid says as I shake his hand. He looked okay? Aside from wearing big pink glasses indoors, his attire was pretty normal. I sigh and unpack.

Helena's POV
I finished unpacking and sit on my bed. I didn't bring much. Bedding, tooth brush, clothes, some books to read and a photo of my "family".
"Is that your family?" Gretta asks in a board tone again. I nod with a tiny smile and I admire the portrait.
"They look like a boring family. I bet you don't do much." She says her voice perking up a bit.
"Oh you have no idea..." I mutter.

Author's notes
Yes. This is short. I know. Um... Let me think- oh! I'm sorry if I didn't get college accurate because I'm not in college yet. Also Gretta is pretty much a mean and bored version of myself except I used my sister's name. That's it!

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