Chapter Eight: Happy Father's Day!

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*Disclaimer: Ok, yes! Before you say it I know it's not Father's Day but I wanted to do this!*

Helena's POV
Yes! Today was finally the day Father's Day.

{Damian's POV}
Today is finally Father's Day.

Jason's POV
I wake up and realize-

Tim's POV
What is today?

Jason's POV
Something must be important about this day? Is it Labor Day?

Tim's POV

Jason's POV

Tim's POV
Valentine's Day? No wait! Maybe it's-

Jason's POV
Father's Day!

Tim's POV
No way it couldn't be-

Jason's POV
Father's Day? Could it?

Tim's POV
"Jason, we don't have lives do we?"

Jason's POV
"Well I do, but I don't know about you."

Tim's POV
"Ha, ha very funny."

Dick's POV
"Tim, Jason it is Father's Day you should know that." There was a bit of a awkward pause as we were talking on the phone.

Tim's POV
"I'll see you at the house."

Jason's POV
"Yeah me too." I say hanging up.

Later that day...

Helena's POV
I come into my dad's house to find the boys sleeping on the couch. (pic above)
"Aw!" I whisper. Dad looks up at me.
"Hi dad! Happy Father's Day." I say handing him my present as he carefully tries to not wake the boys up. He opens it.
"What is this?" He asks with a smile.
"It's a portrait that I had someone make of the "family".
"Thank you Helena." He says smiling still his eyes gleaming with delight. I turn to see what presents the guys and the girls brought. Dick gave him a custom Batarang, Jason gave him a new tie (thank god it wasn't a gun like last year!), Tim gave him a little computer mouse and Damian gave Dad a card saying how great a dad he was. Cass gave dad new cuff links and Steph gave him some new shoes. Dad walked off to the Batcave and I snapped a picture of the guys sleeping. Now... To send or not to send?

Author's Notes
Should Helena send the picture to the girls? Let me know!

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