Chapter Thirty-Eight: Proposal (P1)

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~4 years later, Gotham Mall~

Helena's POV
The girls and I are at the mall to celebrate tonight me and Damian graduating!!! Cass came too. She has been seeing Dad's godmother, Dr. Leslie Thompkins about her baby and she's got a little bump at the moment. It's so cute! She's going to have it soon and has decided to keep it. Now, right now I need a dress. Hmm...
"How about this one, Helena?" Steph says showing me a dress.
"Sold!" I say and we all laugh.

~Wayne Manor~

{Damian's POV}
"Where is it?" I mutter.
"Calm down little D, we'll find it," Grayson replays using the nickname he gave me as a child.
"Found it!" Drake exclaims with triumph. Todd glances over and looks at the list of attendees as the doorbell rings.
"Hi- I'm early aren't I?" My girlfriend asks.
"Yeah. A bit."

Dick's POV
"I'm so sorry Damian!"
"No, it's fine," Damian replies a to Hope and I glance over at Jason smirking while Tim listens very keenly. I don't know how or why but Tim somehow is a great multitasker!
"Oh! I'm sorry I'll come back at... Um... Shoot! I had the time! Uh..." Hope starts to search for her phone. I look at her looking for her phone.
"At least try to act busy Dick," Tim mutters still looking at the list.
"5:00 pm."
"Right 5:00 pm! See you then!" She says snapping her fingers.

{Damian's POV}
I glance at my brothers still looking at the list and give Hope a quick kiss on the cheek. She smiles and waves goodbye. I close the door. I breath.
"Can I see the list?" I ask and my brothers turn towards me and Tim passes me the list in a leather folder. 50 guests. Most from Gotham but some Helena and I chose. I close it and give it back to Tim going upstairs.

~Somewhere in the middle of Traffic~

Helena's POV
"Ugh!!! Is this stupid traffic moving yet?" I groan as Babs is driving with Cass, Bette and me in the back and Steph in the front while Kate was at Wayne Manor making sure everything was ready.
"No." Everyone replies. We move a bit. Wait. A little more. Wait. I sigh. Could this get any worse?!

Author's Notes
Part Two will be out soon! Homework kept me down for this. (That sentence doesn't make sense... But you get the idea!😜)

Protector  ² ☾𝐃𝐂 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐈𝐂𝐒☽Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ