Chapter Fourteen: A Patrol Gone Wrong

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~9:00 pm, Batcave~

Helena's POV
"Come on!!! Someone wake up!!!!" I scream.
"Please!!!!" Steph said beginning to cry. This wasn't supposed to happen. Dick, Tim, Jason and Damian weren't supposed to get hurt. They were only on patrol with Bruce until it went south.

~Thirteen hours earlier 8:00 am~

Stephanie's POV
I wake up not in my own bed. I turn to find that I'm in Tim's bed. I look at him for a bit. God he's cute! I get up and then Tim pulls me back into the bed.
"Ah!!!" I scream. He kisses me.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." He says being the gentleman that he is. I kiss him back resting my arms on his shoulders.

Barbara's POV
I wake up in my apartment and find a note from Dick on my counter. It read:
Sorry I left Babs, but a thief was going to rob a jewelry store. You know how it is. I promise I'll make it up to you later😉.

I smiled at the note then made some coffee and watched some TV.

Helena's POV
I wake up and get ready for class then realize how early it is and decide to go back to sleep.

Bruce's POV
I wake up and think about some things.
"Bruce? Is everything ok?" I hear Selina ask from the left side of my bed.
"Yes everything is fine and always will be." I say turning back around and kissing her.

Selina's POV
"There's the man I know." I saw teasing him.
"Shh... Don't speak...for you'll ruin the moment." I whisper kissing Bruce.

Cassandra's POV
I wake up in Jason's bed, again, with him sleeping beside me. He moves a little and I decide to get up and change.
"Good morning beautiful." I turn towards Jason who has one eye open, with some of the clothes in my hands. He gets up and comes over to me and kisses me.
"Ja- Jason! I have to get up!" I explain.

Jason's POV
"Cass it's 8:00 am. No ones going to be up." I whisper in her ear. She blushes.
"Why are you blushing?" I ask a smirk coming on my lips.
"Sorry. It just feels nice when you whisper ear." Cass explains and I kiss her again as both lay back down on the bed.

Kate's POV
I wake up to the smell of food.
"Hi, aunt Katie!" Bette says to me handing me a plate of omelette.
"Hi. Did Maggie leave?" I ask. Bette nods.
"She told me to tell you that she had to leave for work." I nod and eat the omelette.

~6:00 pm Batcave~

Bruce's POV
I called the boys down for a patrol.

Jason's POV
We understood the patrol but we didn't get why we weren't telling the girls.

~Wayne Manor three hours later~

Cassandra's POV
Steph, Babs, Bette, Kate, Helena and me were sitting in the living room wondering where the guys were.
"Where are they I wonder?" Babs said turning around and looking over her shoulder.
"Patrol?" Kate guessed not looking up from her magazine. Titus then whimpered like crazy.
"Titus you ok?" Steph asked. He then ran downstairs to the Batcave. I grabbed Titus' collar as we all stared in horror. Bruce looked at us but then said nothing.

~Batcave. Now~

Stephanie's POV
"Bruce, what the hell happened?!" I shout. Helena rushed over trying to wake them up.

Helena's POV
"Come on!!!!"
"Please wake up!!!" After a couple of minutes we gave up and went upstairs and pray that the guys would be ok.

~9:00 pm Wayne Manor~

Dick's POV
We had finally recovered and we went upstairs to see the girls. *Ahem* I cough. They don't look at us. Only silence.
"Come on, Bette." Kate says to her niece to leave us alone.

Tim's POV
I lick my lips thinking about the situation. Steph then stands up and goes into the front hallway.
"Steph..." I say going after her.
"No... Leave me alone." She says as I try to grab her hands.
"Look, would you please just look at me?" I ask turning her face towards me. Tears are streaming down her face.
"Don't cry." I say. Then she kisses me tears still streaming down her face.

Stephanie's POV
"You could of all died!" I say angrily.
"No! Don't call me that! Why didn't you tell us where you all were going!!!" I say interrupting him.
"Bruce wouldn't let us." He explains and then I hug him.
"Don't do that ever again." I whisper.
"I promise." He whispers back.

Barbara's POV
I walk outside the house and Dick runs after me.
"Babs. Babs. Babs!"
"What?!" I say in annoyance and Dick kisses me. I look at him and kiss him back.

Jason's POV
Cass just sat there silently.
"C'mon Cass please talk to me."
"You all could've died." She says in her usual calm voice.
"Jason, if you die again there is no coming back. Cherish this life well." She adds. I sit beside her.
"I know. I have you to cherish." I say and she looks at me, then I kiss her.
"Shh... Why ruin the moment Cass?" I ask as I kiss her again.

Helena's POV
Damian and me walk back home silently.
"Are you ok?" Damian asks me. I sigh.
"I'm just scared that you'll die someday." I say. He nods and we just begin to talk about school.

Bruce's POV
I'm in the Batcave feeling ashamed.
"Bruce..." I hear a voice. I turn around.
"Hi. You ok?" She asks.
"The boys almost died." She listens to what happened.
"I'm sure the girls forgave them." She says I then kiss her.
"Bruce what are you-?" I then kiss her again as she sits on my lap.

~Kate's house~

Kate's POV
Bette and me go home to find Maggie waiting for us.
"Oh hello you two!" She says giving me a peck on the lips.
"I see you made your famous lasagna." I say with a smile.
"You're going to love it Bette!" Maggie says to Bette and we sit down to eat.

Author's Notes
First, yes I did actually count the hours. Second, hope you liked the chapter!

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