Chapter Thrity-Two: Misunderstandings

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This music video is so sad!!😭 In my opinion of course!😉

Stephanie's POV
I wake up and roll over at Tim's sleeping face. His eyelashes flutter as he is waking up. He smiles at me.
"Good morning." He says.

Tim's POV
Steph pinches her nose.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I'm sorry to be a mood killer but your breath stinks!" She says in a funny voice. I nod and get out of bed.

~Gotham City Park~

Jason's POV
I'm sitting on a bench.
"Oh, good. Hi Kory. Did you get it?" I ask.
"Yes. Here it is. Cassandra is going to love it."
"Thank Kory." I say as I grab my object.

Cassandra's POV
"Jason?!" I say. I stare at him and Starfire exchanging some sort of object.
"Hey, Cass." He says casually at me. I blink, I had no idea what came over me but...
"How could you cheat on me?!" I shout.

Jason's POV
"Cass it's not what you think-" Kory begins and I run after Cass.

~Wayne Manor~

Cassandra's POV
"Cass, Cass!"
"I HATE YOU!!!!" I shout before going inside and almost up the stairs when Steph grabs my arm.

Stephanie's POV
"Cass are you ok?" I ask concerned.
"I'm fine." She says going upstairs as I let her go. She was lying. No one is fine when there eyes are screaming "hurt" and they are about to burst into tears. Jason comes in slamming the door, a bit ticked off.
"Jason, what's going on?" I ask concerned and he sighs turning towards me.

Jason's POV
I explain to Steph the story of Kory giving me some jewelry and Cass getting the wrong idea.
"Oh, she's hurt. I'll check on her. However you should try and apologize." Steph says.

Stephanie's POV
"Yeah. That would work if I could actually get a word aside from her name." He explains his eyes looking as hurt as Cass'. I go upstairs and knock on Cass' door.

Cassandra's POV
"W- what?" I ask. Steph peaks into my door.

Stephanie's POV
"Aw. Poor you! Are you ok girl?" I ask as I see Cass with tears streaming down her face. I quickly grab some tissues and give them to her.
"J-Jason is cheating on me with Starfire." She explains. I hug her.
"It's going to be ok. It's going to be ok." I whisper trying not to tell Cass what Jason told me. I've got a plan to get them back together...

~Batcave 7:35 pm~

Helena's POV
It's 7:35 pm and we were all texted by Steph to come down to the Batcave. Jason and Cass however were not there. Something's up...
"Thank you all for coming." Steph says as she crosses her legs in a chair near the Batcomputer.
"What's going on?" Kate asks.
"Well Cass and Jason have broken up and it's all because of a misunderstanding. I want to get them back together. You want to help?" She asks. We all glance and smirk at each other.
"Deal." We all say and get to work on how to get them back together. Starting tomorrow night...

~Next Day~

Cassandra's POV
I am sitting near the kitchen counter when I hear footsteps. I'd recognize those footsteps anywhere. Jason's. I felt hurt inside. I didn't know what to think. I glance over at him.

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