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We pulled up in front of a small 24-hour diner at 3 am. This part of town was quiet, deserted even. No one in their right mind would be in the seedy parts of New York City at this time of night; not when people like me roamed the streets. I pulled a black ski mask over my head, revealing just my eyes through the circular slits. My partner Preston, who was sitting in the drivers seat, tossed me my backpack.

P: Do what you do best, Joey. I'll be out here waiting on you

J: Sounds good

I got out of the car, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

P: Yo Joey!

J: What is it?

I asked, turning around.

P: Try not to kill anyone this time

Preston grinned and sent me a wink.

J: No promises

I laughed and ran towards the diner, flinging the door open with one hand and drawing my gun with the other.

The only person there was a girl wearing an ugly red and white uniform. She stood frozen behind the counter as I dumped my backpack on the table.

J: Put the fucking money in the bag bitch and I won't kill you

X: P-please don't h-hurt me

The girl didn't look much older than me. She gawked at me with wide eyes and chattering teeth.

J: I won't kill you if you give me the money. Now

I demanded. Her hands shook uncontrollably as she fumbled with the cash register, tears streaming down her face.

J: Hurry the fuck up!

X: I-I'm trying

I heard a car honk outside and I knew Preston was growing impatient. I was about to yell at the girl again when cash register opened with a ding. I gleefully grabbed all the bills in handfuls and stuffed it in my backpack as the girl backed up against the wall. When the register was completely empty, I sealed my backpack securely before putting it back on.

I cocked my gun again, causing the girl to wail pitifully as she sunk to the floor.

J: You took way too long to give me the money. You could've gotten me in trouble, you know that?

X: Please put the gun down. I have three kids at home. They need me

J: Three kids? Bitch please, you're not fooling me

The girl frowned and swore under her breath before opening her mouth to scream.



I pulled the trigger, aiming it inches away from the girl's arm. It went through the wall and a puddle of urine appeared on the girls lap.

J: Thank you!

I ran out of the diner and hopped in the passenger seat of our getaway car. Preston hit the gas pedal and we sped off into the darkness of the night. My heart was pounding in my ears as adrenaline spiked my entire body. I felt powerful. Clever. Like I could do anything I've ever wanted in the world. I always felt like this after a robbery, it's what's constantly brought me back for more. Well, that and money of course. Preston shook his head.

P: I heard a gunshot. Did you kill a sucker?

J: Nah, I just scared her a bit and she pissed herself

Preston's eyes widened and we burst out in laughter.

P: Now that's a first!

We drove around through neighbourhoods, cracking jokes and recalling our old memories together of robbing people. When we got to our final destination of the night, Preston parked our car in the lot and we walked towards the familiar low brick motel with neon green lights.


I couldn't sleep. I'd been tossing and turning in this unfamiliar bed for hours, staring up at the ceiling. I glanced at the digital clock on the nightstand. 4:30 am. Oh for fucks sake. I lay in bed for awhile until I couldn't take it anymore. I threw the covers off and went outside for some fresh air.

I leaned against the building as the chilly October air slipped under my brown sweatshirt, making me shiver. In front of me was a parking lot and across from that was cracked roads with faintly lit lamp posts, a series of small dingy shops, and a jumble of ugly trees. I still couldn't believe my boss sent me to this part of town. Did he want me to get killed?

It was all quiet when suddenly a black car zoomed in the parking lot, tires screeching as it came to a sudden halt. Two guys got out; a big one and one that was slightly smaller. The smaller one wore a backpack that he held onto with both hands. They were heading in my direction and I could hear them laughing together.

I bent my leg against the wall and tucked my hand in my shorts, trying to appear casual. Then I took a cigarette from my pocket and lit it up, sticking it in my mouth and taking a long drag. I cringed at the disgusting taste. How did people smoke?

When they were right next to me, the bigger guy opened the door for his friend, who stopped walking and looked at me. There was a gleam in his big blue eyes, a ghost of a smile on his lips. He was actually cute, even though he seemed young, much younger than I was.

X: Come on Joey

The bigger guy said with a slight demanding tone in his voice. The boy, "Joey," didn't take his eyes off me as he dismissed the guy with the flick of his hand. The guy glared at me for a good 5 seconds before rolling his eyes and walking inside the motel. The door shut behind him, leaving me and this new boy alone outside.

J: The name's Joey

He sounded friendly enough.

D: I'm Da--Derek

I cleared my throat.

D: It's uh, nice to meet you

I extended my hand and he shook it, his grip surprisingly strong. I didn't expect that from the looks of his baby face, which was smooth without a hint of facial hair.

Joey smiled, showcasing perfectly white teeth, pointed at his two canines.

J: Can I get a cigarette?

D: Sure

I handed him one and lit it up, to which he took a deep drag and exhaled a large puff of smoke. It went straight up my nose and I coughed.

J: Not much of a smoker, huh?

D: No, I am. I'm just feeling a little sick

Joey looked at me knowingly, as if he knew I was lying. To take the attention off me, I turned the questions on him.

D: So what were you doing outside? It's pretty late

Joey looked ahead into the distance, a small secretive smile curving at the edge of his mouth.

J: Just having some fun. So you've never stayed at this motel before hm

D: Maybe I have and you just haven't noticed me

J: No, I would have definitely noticed you

Joey's gaze trailed down my shorts and he slightly licked his lips. My face flushed tremendously as he checked me out. I wasn't used to getting hit on, especially by a mere teenager. He grinned at my obvious discomfort.

J: I'll see you around. Derek, right?

D: That's my name. Later Joey

Joey opened the door to the entrance and walked inside the motel before flicking his cigarette on the ground, leaving me outside dumfounded.

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