thirty five

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I woke up to the gentle feeling of a hand caressing my face. I slowly opened my eyes to see two beautiful blue orbs gazing at me.

"Good morning sleepyhead," Joey softly said.

"How are you so cute when you wake up," I murmured, taking into account his glowing pink cheeks and ruffled golden hair. Joey smiled and inched close, clinging onto my t-shirt and burying his face in my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my hands on the small of his back. Joey was so warm and soft. There was nothing I enjoyed more than lying next to him. My eyes fell shut and Joey held onto me tight.

I don't know how much time passed when Joey nudged my arm and I woke up again. He was lying on his side, his face in the palm of his hand.

"I have to tell you something," he said. I rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness and I focused my gaze on him.

"I'm done with living the way I do."

I cocked my head to the side.
"What do you mean?"

"I mean I'm not going to steal money anymore. I'm done with the robberies and shootings and all that shit," Joey said. My eyes widened and I couldn't believe my ears. "You-you really mean that?"

Joey nodded and took my hand in his, staring deeply in my eyes. I waited for him to speak and I listened intently.

"Being with you made me realize that this isn't the life I want for me. It never was. Back when I used to live with my parents, we never had much money or food to eat. We were all miserable and the abuse I received from them made me even more miserable...and angry. When I moved here last year, I didn't know anyone. I came here with nothing but anger and rage and the drive to make as much money I wanted. You see, I just didn't wanna struggle anymore. I started out robbing and killing people on my own for two or three months and then I met Preston in a bar one night."

Joey paused, bringing his hand on my cheek. "I'm just so tired of living like this. You taught me how to love, Daniel. You taught me patience, you taught me responsibility, and you taught me that living a normal life and being simply happy is more than enough. I want to thank you for that. You know, I used to want to be something fun and exciting, like a traveler who visited every country in the world. I had hopes and dreams that I haven't accomplished yet, but I want to achieve them with you. I think we should move, Daniel. Let's pack our bags and go far, far away from here, to like Aruba or Bora Bora. We can start a new life together and have the best time in the world. What do you say?"

My eyes were filled with tears. I had been deeply touched by Joey's genuine, heart felt words in a way I've never been before. I nodded my head vigorously.

"We should go." My voice was shaky and I hugged him tight. "You are incredible Joey. I could never be like you."

I cupped his face and brought him close, connecting my lips to his. We kissed passionately and intense love travelled through my heart, a small sound escaping from me.
"I love you so much," I said breathlessly. Joey kissed my forehead.
"I love you more Daniel."

> > >

We spent hours in bed cuddling and making out, giggling and play fighting.
I was in the middle of pushing Joey off the bed when my phone rang on the nightstand. I took my hands off him and reached for my phone when Joey grabbed it away from me.

"Too fast for you!" He said, sticking his tongue out. "Oh, it's Clark."

Joey gave me the phone and I frowned.

"Ugh what does he want. Should I answer it?"

"I don't know, he's your boss."

I sighed and answered the call. Before I could even say a word, Clark asked,
"Are you at the motel?"

I raised an eyebrow, wondering how he knew. "Uhh yeah I am. How-"

"I went to visit you at the hospital and they said you were discharged. What are you still doing at the motel? The assignment was called off."

"I had to pick some of my things,"
I lied. Clark was silent for a long time.
I didn't know whether I should hung up or not. I was about to say good bye when he spoke up again, his voice filled with disappointment.

"I thought you were better than this, Mr. Preda."


I looked at my phone in confusion and I scowled. What the fuck did he mean by that?

"What'd he want?" Joey asked from the bathroom.

"I don't know. He's such an asshole."

I had to quit soon. Tomorrow I'd go to my apartment, write a resignation letter, and hand it in. Then Joey and I could leave this place and start travelling. The thought of this was exciting and I pushed my boss out of my mind. I joined Joey in the bathroom, who was brushing his teeth.

After brushing my own teeth and splashing cold water on my face, I went to the kitchen with Joey following behind. I glanced at the clock on the wall to see it was 2:45 in the afternoon.

"Are you hungry?" I asked, taking out a box of cinnamon crunch cereal.

"I'm starving. Gimme a lot of that cereal, it's my favourite," Joey said. He set two bowls on the table and retrieved the milk as I poured in large amounts of cereal in our bowls.

We were about to sit down at the dining table when the doorbell rang.
Wondering who that could be, I walked over to the door. I twisted the knob and opened the door to see Clark standing defiantly before me, wearing his police uniform and holding a pair of handcuffs in his hands.

"What is this?" I asked, looking at the handcuffs. He marched past me and stepped in the room, glaring at Joey.

"Joey Michael Graceffa, you are
under arrest for burglary and multiple counts of murder. Boy am I glad I finally fucking found you."

blue jay | janiel Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora