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Sunlight spilled through the thin curtains, casting a glow on the white sheets that covered our bodies. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Derek, who was sleeping on his stomach with his arms out by his sides. I ran my hand along his smooth, toned back and felt the ridges between his shoulder blades as he slept, gone in another world. It wasn't long until he stirred from his spot, yawned, and smiled weakly at me with his sleepy greens.

D: I could wake up next to you forever

He said groggily, pulling me close. I smiled, kissing his collarbones as he shut his eyes again and inhaled softly. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes. A slight breeze slid through the window and light goosebumps appeared on Derek's skin. I covered him up with the covers to make sure he'd warm up.

His cellphone rang on his nightstand amidst the silence. It vibrated against the wood, causing Derek to groan and sink his face into his pillow.

J: Shhh go back to sleep babe

I soothed, stroking his chest. I craned my neck to see who was calling him and saw the name Clark stretched out on his iPhone. I didn't answer, wondering who it was. It eventually stopped ringing but a voicemail appeared on the screen. Jealously shot through my heart and I frowned, glancing down at Derek who was still sleeping. Did he have a boyfriend? Or was this "Clark" person just his friend?


Derek finally got out of bed and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth. I stayed back and grabbed his phone the second he was out of sight. I tried getting in but there was a passcode, and I didn't know the numbers.

J: Ugh

I tried a series of numbers, ranging from all zeros to 1234 to 6666. Don't ask me why. People usually have those numbers. None of them worked and I swore under my breath. I really wanted to know who Clark was. The sound of running water stopped and the bathroom door opened a moment later. I set Derek's phone on the nightstand and stood up, squinting suspiciously at him with my arms crossed.


A minute ago I woke up next to Joey gazing adoringly at me, and now he was glaring at me from across the room.

D: Is something wrong babe?

J: Who's Clark?

D: Who?

My blood had turned to ice. How the hell did Joey know my boss? The kid raised an eyebrow at me.

J: Judging from your reaction, he must be your boyfriend or something

D: What? No of course not

I laughed in relief.

D: He's just an old friend Joey

I took his hands and kissed them, giving him my best sincere face.

D: I've only got eyes for you babe

Joey's hard face softened and he rolled his eyes.

J: I'm such an idiot. I guess I just overreacted. You see, I don't like sharing what's mine. I can get pretty territorial. . .almost dangerous

His voice held a faint, almost hidden warning; almost like a threat. I looked at him strangely. He didn't seem angry but his lips were pursed tightly and his eyes had a cold look in them.

D: Well, don't worry

I said meekly, taking a small step back. We didn't say anything and I suddenly wondered if he was going to kill me. But instead Joey flashed me a ghoulish grin and said he'd see me later. He strolled out of my room with his hands stuffed in his pockets and I shook my head. What had gotten into that kid?

I spotted my phone on the nightstand and turned it on, only to see it was disabled. It said I had to wait a few minutes before trying to unlock it again. Wow, Joey really wanted to get in.

After waiting I was able to get into my phone and open a voicemail left my Clark. This is what Joey had seen; the damn voicemail. I clicked to hear the recorded message:

Hey Daniel. Haven't heard from you for a couple of days. Let me know if there's any leads in the case

Thank God Joey hadn't heard the message. Then he'd really get suspicious.

I sat on my bed with my phone in my hands, looking at Clark's number. I'd found the thief he's been wanting for months, but I didn't want to turn Joey in to the cops. He was sweet and maybe even misunderstood. But still, I had to do my job. If I didn't turn him in, I could get into a shitload of trouble.

I fell back in bed in frustration. Life was all about decisions, conflict, and drama. Add a little messed-up romance in there and you've got Joey and I.

What was I going to do?

blue jay | janiel Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon