thirty seven: final chapter

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a/n: the epilogue will be posted soon


I stood on the ledge, looking at the deep blue waters below me. It was a long way down. I shuddered. The air was cold and my body trembled uncontrollably as shivers ran down my spine.


The police cars had caught up to us. A couple of officers stepped out of the vehicles and stood a few feet away with their guns drawn.

"Put your hands up!" They yelled.

"Get off the bridge Joey!" Daniel yelled." You're not thinking straight!" He reached out and tried grabbing me but I dodged his hands.

"Tell the court I forced you to k-keep quiet about me," I said, my voice shaking. "Say you feared for your life and I wouldn't let you leave."

I looked down at the ocean. Beads of sweat appeared on my forehead.

"NO, JOEY PLEASE!" Daniel screamed, veins sticking out of his neck. Tears streamed down his face as he choked back sobs.

Tears spilled down my own face and I used all my strength to muster a weak smile.

"I love you Daniel. Be strong for me.
I promise everything will be okay."

"NO!" He screamed, growing hysterical. "GET DOWN JOEY. WHAT ARE YOU FUCKING DOING? THINK ABOUT US!" He sounded so pained it broke my heart.

"I'm doing this for us," I said softly, a whimper escaping my lips.

I turned my back to him and faced the ocean. I took a step closer to the ledge and suddenly remembered the time I was gardening at nine years old.

My mom and dad had gotten in a bad fight and he stormed out of the house, leaving bruises on her face. My mom caught me watching them from the top of the stairs and crying, so she took me outside and handed me a packet of seeds, telling me I should enjoy nature. I was planting a daisy in the soil when a blue jay fluttered around in our backyard. I extended my finger and it perched on me, filling me with a sense of wonder. I looked at it in amazement, admiring the beautiful shades of blue, white, and black on its delicate body. It only stayed for a moment before spreading its marvellous feathery wings and flying away to freedom. Ever since then I wanted to get away from everything;  my parents, my life, my problems. I had yearned to be just as free.

My tears stopped and a calmness washed over my body. Taking a deep breath, I jumped off the bridge, my heart leaping out of my chest. I spread my arms in the air, flying through the bitterly cold winds and adrenaline pulsated through my blood. I screamed at the world as I fell closer and closer to the ocean.

This is my moment.

"Wish me luck Daniel," I whispered.
I was seconds away from hitting the dark blue waters and I shut my eyes.

This is my freedom.

blue jay | janiel Where stories live. Discover now