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My hair was still damp when I went back to my motel room. I found Preston sitting on the couch, digging through a bag of Doritos with the tv on.

P: Where've you been man? You're missing out on a good episode of Criminal Minds

He asked, stuffing a chip in his mouth.

J: I went to see Derek, remember

I sat down next to him and reached into the bag, taking a handful of chips for myself.

P: Oh right, how could I forget

Preston rolled his eyes and I grinned, running my hand through my hair.

P: What, did you seduce him in the shower like you do to all the others?

He said, half joking and half serious.

J: Take a guess

P: Well your hairs wet so yeah you fucked him

J: Nah not yet

Preston shook his head while going tsk tsk tsk with the click of his tongue.
Then he crammed some chips in his mouth, mumbling something I couldn't comprehend.

J: Anyway, I've been thinking. How 'bout we bring Derek on one of our break ins?

Preston's eyebrows shot up and his dark green eyes looked confused.

P: Are you crazy? Joey you just met him. We can't trust him enough to let him in on our lifestyle

J: Look I really like hi-

P: You just met him

He interrupted.

J: I know, but I feel something different with him. I've been with my fair share of guys including you, but I have this like, instant connection with him. I already trust Derek

Preston stood up, throwing his hands in the air.

P: I can't believe you're being so naive! Joey, we are criminals. You can't tell all your boy toys what you do for a goddamn living. If you did, we'd have our cover blown by now

I stood up, equally as angry now.

J: I'm not naive, asshole. You just don't get it. You're still hung up on me and mad that I stopped giving you special attention

P: That's not true

J: Oh is it now? Face it Preston, you miss my dick and quite frankly you need to get over it

Preston gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, holding them by his sides.

P: Fuck you Joey. You're not as great as you think you are

J: Whatever. I'm still telling Derek. Who knows, he could be our new partner

I shrugged.

Preston looked at me in disbelief.

P: You've lost your mind Joey

He grabbed the car keys off the coffee table and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him as his swears trailed in the hallway.

I realized I was holding my breath and I let out a large exhale. That was intense, but then again it was nothing new. Preston and I argued often, usually not over serious things. We just didn't always see eye to eye.

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